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若干演化为球面的曲率流 英文版

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若干演化为球面的曲率流 英文版
Curvature flows are powerful tools for solving various problems in geometry and .physics, and receive more and more attention in the last decade, starting with the groundbreaking paper [51] of Harmilton who studied the Ricci flow, which describes the evolution of the metric of a manifold by its Ricci curvature tensor. Huisken [55]then considered the mean curvature fow, which describes the normal evolution of convex hypersurface in the Euclidean space by its mean curvature vector. From the viewpoint of partial differential equations (PDEs), one can distinguish different flows by the type of equation used to describe them.
Chapter 1 Preliminary
Chapter 2 HΒ-flow for h-convex Hypersurfaces in
Chapter 3 HΒ-flow for Pinched Hypersurfaces in
Chapter 4 Volume-preserving flow in
Chapter 5 flow in Rn+1
Chapter 6 flow in
Chapter 7 Mixed Volume Preserving flow in Rn+1
Chapter 8 Forced MCF of Submanifolds in

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