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- 名 称:Calabi-Yau流形和相关几何(英文影印版) - 下载地址1
- 类 别:数学书籍
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- 浏览次数:3
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part i. riemannian holonomy groups and calibrated geometry
dominic joyce
1 introduction
2 introduction to holonomy groups
3 berger's classification of holonomy groups
4 kahler geometry and holonomy
5 the calabi conjecture
6 the exceptional holonomy groups
7 introduction to calibrated geometry
8 calibrated submanifolds in rn
9 constructions of sl m-folds in ctm
10 compact calibrated submanifolds
11 singularities of special lagrangian m-folds
12 the syz conjecture, and sl fibrations
part ii. calabi-yau manifolds and mirror symmetry
mark gross
13 introduction
14 the classical geometry of calabi-yau manifolds15 kahler moduli andgromov-witten invariants
16 variation and degeneration of hodge structures
17 a mirror conjecture
18 mirror symmetry in practice
19 the strominger-yau-zaslow approach to mirror symmetry
part iii. compact hyperkaihler manifolds
daniel huybrechts
20 introduction
21 holomorphic symplectlc manifolds
22 deformations of complex structures
23 the beauville-bogomolov form
24 cohomology of compact hyperkahler manifolds
25 twistor space and moduli space
26 projectivity of hyperkahler manifolds
27 birational hyperkahler manifolds
28 the (birational) kahler cone
part i. riemannian holonomy groups and calibrated geometry
dominic joyce
1 introduction
2 introduction to holonomy groups
3 berger's classification of holonomy groups
4 kahler geometry and holonomy
5 the calabi conjecture
6 the exceptional holonomy groups
7 introduction to calibrated geometry
8 calibrated submanifolds in rn
9 constructions of sl m-folds in ctm
10 compact calibrated submanifolds
11 singularities of special lagrangian m-folds
12 the syz conjecture, and sl fibrations
part ii. calabi-yau manifolds and mirror symmetry
mark gross
13 introduction
14 the classical geometry of calabi-yau manifolds15 kahler moduli andgromov-witten invariants
16 variation and degeneration of hodge structures
17 a mirror conjecture
18 mirror symmetry in practice
19 the strominger-yau-zaslow approach to mirror symmetry
part iii. compact hyperkaihler manifolds
daniel huybrechts
20 introduction
21 holomorphic symplectlc manifolds
22 deformations of complex structures
23 the beauville-bogomolov form
24 cohomology of compact hyperkahler manifolds
25 twistor space and moduli space
26 projectivity of hyperkahler manifolds
27 birational hyperkahler manifolds
28 the (birational) kahler cone
下一篇: 二次曲线和三次曲线(第二版 英文版)
上一篇: 多尺度问题:理论、数值逼近及应用(英文版)