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凸分析(英文版)[(德)洛克菲拉 著] 2011年版

  • 名  称:凸分析(英文版)[(德)洛克菲拉 著] 2011年版 - 下载地址2
  • 类  别:数学书籍
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  • 浏览次数:3
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  convexity has been increasingly important in recent years in the study of extremum problems in many areas of applied mathematics. the purpose of this book is to provide an exposition of the theory of convex sets and functions in which applications to extremum problems play the central of inequalities, the minimum or maximum of a convex function over a convex set, lagrange multipliers, and minimax theorems are among the topics treated, as well as basic results about the structure of convex sets and the continuity and differentiability of convex functions and saddle-functions. duality is emphasized throughout, particularly in the form of fenchers conjugacy correspondence for convex functions.
introductory remarks: a guide for the reader
part i: basic concepts
 1. affine sets*
 2. convex sets and cones
 3. the algebra of convex sets
 4. convex functions
 5. fubctional operations
part ii: topological properties
 6. relative interiors of conyex sets
 7. closures of convex functions
 8. recession cones and unboundedness
 9. some closedness criteria
 10. continuity of convex functions
part iii: duality correspondences
 11. separation theorems
 12. conjugates of convex functions
 13. support functions
 14. polars of convex sets
 15. polars of convex functions
 16. dual operations
part iv: representation and inequalities
 17. caratheodory's theorem
 18. extreme points and faces of convex sets
 19. polyhedral convex sets and functions
 20. some applications of polyhedral convexity
 21. helly's theorem and systems of inequalities
 22. linear inequalities
part v: differential theory
 23. directional derivatives and subgradients
 24. differential continuity and monotonicity
 25. differentiability of convex functions
 26. the legendre transformation
part vi: constrained extremum problems
 27. the minimum of a convex function
 28. ordinary convex programs and lagrange multipliers
 29. bifunctions and generalized convex programs
 30. adjoint bifunctions and dual programs
 31. fenchel's duality theorem
 32. the maximum of a convex function
part vii:saddle-functions and minimax theory
 33. saddle-functions
 34. closures and equivalence classes
 35. continuity and differentiability of saddle-functions
 36. minimax problems
 37. conjugate saddle-functions and minimax theorems
part viii: convex algebra
 38. the algebra of bifunctions
 39. convex processes
comments and references


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