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作者:(捷克)安德里斯 著
scheme for the relationship of singlc sections
chapter Ⅰ
Theoretical background
Ⅰ.1.structure of locally convex spaces
Ⅰ.2.anr-spaces and ar-spaces
Ⅰ.3.multivadued mappings and their selections
Ⅰ.4.admissible mappings
Ⅰ.5.special classes of admissible mappings
Ⅰ.6.lefschetz fixed point theorem for admissible mappings
Ⅰ.7.lefschetz fixed point theorem for condensing mappings
Ⅰ.8.fixed point index and topological degree for admissible maps in locally convex spaces
Ⅰ.9.noncon pact case
Ⅰ.10.nielsen number
Ⅰ.11.nielsen number; noncompact case
Ⅰ.12.remarks and comments
chapter Ⅱ
General principles
II.1.topological structure of fixed point sets: aronszajn-browder-gupta-type results
Ⅱ.2.topological structure of fixed point sets: inverse limit method
Ⅱ.3.topological dimension of fixed point sets
Ⅱ.4.topological essentiality
Ⅱ.5.relative theories of lefschetz and nielsen
Ⅱ.6.periodic point principles
Ⅱ.7.fixed point index for condensing maps
Ⅱ.8.approximation methods in the fixed point theory of multivalued mappings
Ⅱ.9.topological degree defined by means of approximation methods
Ⅱ.10.continuation principles based on a fixed point index
Ⅱ.11.continuation principles based on a coincidence index
Ⅱ.12.remarks and comments
chapter Ⅲ
Application to differential equations and inclusions
Ⅲ.1.topological approach to differential equations and inclusions
Ⅲ.2.topological structure of solution sets: initial value problems
Ⅲ.3.topological structure of solution sets: boundary value problems
Ⅲ.4.poincare operators
Ⅲ.5.existence results
Ⅲ.6.multiplicity results
Ⅲ.7.wakewski-type results
Ⅲ.8.bounding and guiding functions approach
Ⅲ.9.infinitely many subharmonics
Ⅲ.10.almost-periodic problems
Ⅲ.11.some further applications
Ⅲ.12.remarks and comments
A.1.almost-periodic single-valued and multivalued functions
A.2.derivo-periodic single-valued and multivalued functions
A.3.fractals and multivalued fractals


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