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国际著名数学图书 MATLAB中的谱方法 英文影印版 [(美)特弗森 著] 2011年版

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国际著名数学图书 MATLAB中的谱方法 英文影印版
作者:(美)特弗森 著
出版时间: 2011年版
  The aim of this book is to teach you theessentials of spectral collocation methods with the aid of 40 shortMATLAB programs, or /M-files./* The programs are available onlineat http://www, comlab, ox. ac .uk/oucl/work/nick.trefethen, and youwill run them and modify them to solve all kinds of ordinary andpartial differential equations (ODEs and PDEs) connected withproblems in fluid mechanics, quantum mechanics, vibrations, linearand nonlinear waves, complex analysis, and other fields. Concerningprerequisites,it is assumed that the words just written havemeaning for you, that you have some knowledge of numerical methods,and that you already know MATLAB.
a note on the matlab programs
1 differentiation matrices
2 unbounded grids: the semidiscrete fourier transform
3 periodic grids: the dft and fft
4 smoothness and spectral accuracy
5 polynomial interpolation and clustered grids
6 chebyshev differentiation matrices
7 boundary value problems
8 chebyshev series and the fft
9 eigenvalues and pseudospectra
10 time-stepping and stability regions
11 polar coordinates
12 integrals and quadrature formulas
13 more about boundary conditions
14 fourth-order problems

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