鉴赏中国茶(中英文限量铂金典藏版) 出版时间:2012年版 内容简介 茶,中国茶,世界飘香。中国是茶的故乡,茶是中国的国饮。中国人种茶、采茶、制茶、喝茶、品茶,并把茶叶传向海内外,茶已经成为中国最具代表性的文化符号之一。茶有独特的保健功效,是招待客人、增进友谊的纽带。《鉴赏中国茶》用中英文双语,用通俗易懂的文字、精美漂亮的图片讲述了茶的发展、制作、冲泡,延伸至茶道、茶文化的内涵,《鉴赏中国茶》教您轻松学会鉴茶、泡茶、品茶,是您收藏、馈赠的佳品。 目录 走进茶的前世今生 神农遇茶的传说 “茶”字的由来和历史演变 中国是茶的故乡 茶源自何处 客来敬茶是中国的传统 一壶香茗遍天下:茶在世界的传播 茶马古道 茶文化在世界的传播 茶之趣事 以茶代酒的故事 禅门公案:吃茶去 宋徽宗与《大观茶论》 茶的生长条件 四大茶区 茶叶的制作过程 采摘 晾青与萎凋 杀青 揉捻 发酵 渥堆与陈放 Chapter1 Walk into the long history and current situation of tea The past and present of tea Name story and evolution of the character of tea China is the home to tea Origins of tea A Chinese tradition: a tea for a newly-arrived guest The spreading of tea in the world Tea-Horse Road The global spreading of tea culture Interesting story about tea Drinking tea instead of wine A well-known story about Buddhism: go and drink some tea Huizong and Treatise on Tea Growing conditions of tea Four major areas producing tea Tea producing process Picking Airing and withering Fixation Rolling Fermentation Pile-fermentation and long-term storage 干燥 紧压 茶叶的分类方法 六大茶类和再加工茶 茶叶的选购 茶叶的保存方法 专题烹茶方法的演变 专题陆羽和《茶经》 专题茶叶的保健功效 第2章 水如茶之母,器如茶之父 泉从石出更清冽 古人寻泉评水 好水四标准 宜茶美水 科学煮茗 专题各地名泉汇集 茶具大观 茶盘 茶叶罐 随手泡 茶壶 盖碗 品茗杯 闻香杯 公道杯 过滤网和过滤架 茶巾 杯垫 盖置 茶荷 水盂 92 养壶笔 普洱茶针 Drying Pressing Classification of tea Six basic teas and re-processing tea Selection of tea Tea storage methods TOPIC Evolution of tea cooking methods TOPIC Lu Yu and his Tea Sutra TOPIC Health benefits of tea Chapter2 Water and tea sets are essential to tea More chilly spring out from the stone Find the spring and assess Four standards for good water Nice water Brew tea TOPIC Springs around the country Tea sets Tea tray Tea caddy Electric teapot Teapot Tureen Tea cup Smelling cup Fair cup Filter and filter holder Tea towel Coaster Lid set Tea holder Tea basin Pot kept pen Pu’er tea needle 茶道六用 茶宠 专题宜兴紫砂壶为壶中翘楚 专题饮茶器具如何选购 第三章 赏茶知味,轻松泡茶分外香 泡茶的正确礼仪 泡茶的礼仪 奉茶的礼仪 品茶的礼仪 泡茶的方法 绿茶的冲泡 乌龙茶的冲泡 红茶的冲泡 黑茶的冲泡 白茶的冲泡 黄茶的冲泡 花茶的冲泡 专题花草茶和造型花茶赏析 专题不同场合的泡茶法 专题残茶物尽其用 专题茶与点心的完美结合 专题一天乐饮 Tea props Tea pet TOPIC Yixing purple sand teapot is outstanding TOPIC How to buy tea sets Chapter 3 Art of Tea-making Tea-making etiquette Tea-making etiquette Tea-serving etiquette Tea-tasting etiquette Tea-making method Infusion of green tea Infusion of Oolong tea Infusion of black tea Infusion of dark tea Infusion of white tea Infusion of yellow tea Infusion of scented tea TOPIC Appreciation of herbal tea and modeling scented tea TOPIC Different brewing methods on different occasions TOPIC Make the best use of tea residual TOPIC Tea served with snacks TOPIC Time of drinking tea 香叶嫩芽,洁性涤尘 绿茶——自古佳茗似佳人 西湖龙井 碧螺春 黄山毛峰 太平猴魁 六安瓜片 信阳毛尖 蒙顶甘露 金奖惠明 安吉白茶 乌龙茶——紫砂七泡有余香 安溪铁观音 冻顶乌龙 武夷大红袍 武夷肉桂 武夷水仙 黄金桂 凤凰单枞 阿里山乌龙 永春佛手 红茶——香高味浓独树一帜 祁门红茶 正山小种 滇红茶 红碎茶 金骏眉 黑茶——品味能入口的古董 普洱生茶 Chapter 2 Fragrant tender buds with fresh quality Green tea good tea as pretty lady West Lake Longjing Biluochun Huangshan Maofeng Taiping Houkui Liu’an Guapian Xinyang Maojian Mengding Ganlu Gold Medal Huiming Anji White tea Oolong tea lingering fragrance in the purple sand teapot after seven infusions Anxi Tie Kwan-yin Dongding Oolong Wuyi Dahongpao Wuyi Rougui Wuyi Narcissus Huangjin Gui Phoenix Dancong Alishan Oolong Yongchun Bergamot Black tea with fragrant aroma and thick taste Keemun black tea Lapsang Souchong Yunnan black tea Broken black tea Jin Junmei Dark tea the longer, the mellower Unfermented Pu’er tea Fermented Pu’er tea Liupu tea 普洱熟茶 六堡茶 茯砖茶 安化黑茶 沱茶 雅安藏茶 白茶——北苑灵芽天下精 白毫银针 白牡丹 贡眉 新工艺白茶 黄茶——金镶玉色尘心去 君山银针 霍山黄芽 广东大叶青 蒙顶黄芽 花茶——闻花香,品茶韵 茉莉花茶 玫瑰花茶 黄山贡菊 第5章 清心悠然悟茶道 “茶”颜观色闻香品味 三看三闻三品三回味 在清幽中慢慢品味 茶宜静品 将茶香寄情于山水间 自古药食同源生 中国的茶道 佛、儒、道对茶道的影响 四字真谛 品茶之“三乐”“四妙” Fuzhuan tea Anhua Dark tea Tuo tea Ya’an Tibetan tea White tea Ingenious tea on the earth White Pekoe Silver Needle White Peony Gongmei New craft white tea Yellow tea gold-laid in jade attracts heart Junshan Silver Needle Huoshan Yellow bud tea Guangdong Dayeqing Mengding Yellow bud tea Scented tea combining flower scent and tea essence Jasmine tea Rose tea Huangshan Tribute Chrysanthemum Chapter 5 The Realization of sado The standard of tasting tea Observe, smell, taste, and savor Taste in the quiet moment Tea needs to be drunk quietly Feel tea aroma as heaven essence Let tea be your medicine Chinese sado The impacts of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism on sado True meanings “Three pleasures” and “four charms” of tea tasting Tea customs in various parts of China Han: pure drinking Uyghur: milk tea and scented tea 我国各地茶俗 汉族清饮法 维吾尔族的奶茶与香茶 藏族酥油茶 蒙古族咸奶茶 纳西族的龙虎斗 傣族、拉祜族的竹筒香茶 白族三道茶 土家族擂茶 回族罐罐茶 世界各地的茶俗 日本的茶道 茶入文化 茶与诗词 茶与歌舞 茶与书画 茶与戏曲 附录 名优绿茶品质特征与品评要素评分表 乌龙茶品质特征与品评要素评分表 工夫红茶品质特征与品评要素评分表 黑茶品质特征与品评要素评分表 白茶品质特征与品评要素评分表 黄茶品质特征与品评要素评分表 花茶品质特征与品评要素评分表 Tibet: ghee tea Mongolia: salt milk tea Naxi: white spirt tea Dai and Lahu: scented tea in bamboo tube Bai: three course tea Tujia: mashed tea Hui: pot tea Tea customs around the world Japanese sado Tea and culture Tea and poetry Tea and dance Tea and painting Tea and Chinese Opera APPENDIX Characteristics of high-quality green tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluation Characteristics of Oolong tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluation Characteristics of Gongfu tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluation Characteristics of dark tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluation Characteristics of white tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluation Characteristics of yellow tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluation Characteristics of scented tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluation
上一篇: 湘菜六味 [范命辉 著] 2010年版
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