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本书是影印英文版物理学专著,原书由世界科技 于2007年出版。本书对近年来该领域的发展做了系统介绍。本书首先综述了等离子体激元结构和超颖材料的基础理论,以及它们在传导和控制光方面的应用。接着,本书也给出了拉曼信号表面增强的一般理论,以及在金属—介质材料中的非线性光学现象的理论。本书适合材料科学、光学、凝聚态物理学,以及其他相关专业的研究人员和研究生作为参考,同时也是所有对这一令人着迷的新材料感兴趣的读者了解这一领域的很好的途径。
目  录
1. Introduction
1.1 Surface Plasmon Resonance
1.2 Percolation Threshold: Singularities in Metal-dielectric
2. Conducting Stick Composites and Left Handed Metamaterials
2.1 Metamaterial
2.2 Conductivity and Dielectric Cotant: Effective Medium Theory
2.3 High-frequency Respoe
2.3.1 Scattering of electromagnetic wave by conducting stick
2.3.2 High-frequency effective dielectric function
2.4 Giant Enhancements of Local Electric Fields
2.5 Optical Magnetism, Left-handed Optical Materials and
2.5.1 Analytical theory of magnetic plasmon resonances
2.5.2 Numerical simulatio of two-dimeional nanowire structures
2.5.3 Capacitance and inductance of two parallel wires
2.6 Planar Nanowire Composites
3. Semicontinuous Metal Films
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Giant Field Fluctuatio
3.2.1 Lattice model
3.2.2 Numerical method
3.2.3 Field distributio on semicontinuous metal films
3.3 Localization of Surface Plasmo
3.3.1 Localization length and average inteity of localelectric
3.3.2 High-order moments of local electric fields
3.3.3 Properties of the localized eigenmodes
3.3.4 Scaling theory of giant field fluctuatio
3.4 Anomalous Light Scattering from Semicontinuous Metal Films
3.4.1 Rayleigh scattering
3.4.2 Scaling properties of correlation function
3.5 Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)
3.6 Giant Enhancements of Optical Nonlinearities
3.7 Percolation-enhanced Nonlinear Scattering: High Harmonic
4. Optical Properties of Metal-dielectric Fih: Beyond Quasistatic
4.1 Generalized Ohm's Law (GOL) and Basic Equatio
4.2 Tramittance, Reflectance, and Absorptance
4.3 Numerical Simulatio of Local Electric and Magnetic Fields
4.4 Spatial Moments of Local Electric and Magnetic Fields
4.5 Extraordinary Optical Tramittance (EOT)
4.5.1 Resonant tramittance
4.5.2 Light-induced and light-controlled tramittance
4.5.3 Discussion
5. Electromagnetic Properties of Metal-dielectric Crystals
5.1 Metal-dielectric Composites
5.2 Electromagnetic Crystals
5.2.1 Cubic lattice of metal spheres
5.2.2 A wire-mesh electromagnetic crystal

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