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先进陶瓷工艺 英文版 张玉军 编著 2014年版

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先进陶瓷工艺 英文版
作者:张玉军 编著
This book presents a brief introduction to the processing of advanced ceramics. There are four chapters in this book: Advanced Ceramics and their Applications, Powder Processing, Shape-forming, and Sintering. It introduces some new methods in ceramic powder synthesis, shape-forming and sintering of ceramics. This book also especially provides some processing detail related to the production of alumina, silicon carbide, silicon nitride and boron carbide ceramics with combination of author's experience.
  This book can be used as a text book and a reference book for the students who are studying the inorganic non-metal materials science and engineering, and for engineers and researchers who are working in the field of advanced ceramics.
1 Advanced Ceramics and Their Applications
1.1 Definition
1.2 Ceramics Classification
1.3 Progress of Advanced Ceramics
1.4 Basic Properties of Advanced Ceramics
1.4.1Oxide Ceramics
1.4.2 Non-Oxide Ceramics
1.5 Applications of Advanced Ceramics
Study Guide

2 Powder Processing
2.1 Raw Materials
2.1.1 Oxides
2.1.2 Nonoxides
2.1.3 Raw Material Selection
2.2 Preparation of Powders
2.2.1 Mechanical Methods to Prepare Powders
2.2.2 Powder Synthesis by Chemical Methods
2.2.3 Powders by Vapor-phase Reactions
2.2.4 Spray Drying
2.3 Characterizing Powders
2.3.1 Characterizing Powders by Microscropy
2.3.2 Characterizing Powders by Light Scattering
2.3.3 Characterizing Powders by X-Ray Diffraction
2.3.4 Characterizing Powders by Surface Area (The BET Method)
2.3.5 Determining Particle Composition and Purity
Study Guide

3 Shape-Forming
3.1 Additives
3.1.1 Solvents
3.1.2 Dispersants
3.1.3 Binder
3.1.4 Plasticizers
3.1.5 Other Additives
3.2 Pressing
3.2.1 Uniaxial Pressing
3.2.2 Isostatic Pressing
3.3 Casting
3.3.1Slip Casting
3.3.2 Tape Casting
3.3.3 Gel Casting
3.3.4 Electrophoretic deposition
3.4 Plastic Forming
3.4.1 Extrusion
3.4.2 Injection
3.4.3 Roll Forming
Study Guide

4 Sintering
4.1 Kiln and Furnace
4.1.1 Classification of Ceramic Furnaces ( Kilns)
4.1.2 Batch Kilns
4.1.3 Continuous Kiln
4.1.4 Heat Elements
4.1.5 Insulation and Refractories
4.1.6 Fumiture and Crucibles

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