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石窟寺研究 第9辑 中国古迹遗址保护协会石窟专业委员会,龙门石窟研究院 著 2019年版
- 名 称:石窟寺研究 第9辑 中国古迹遗址保护协会石窟专业委员会,龙门石窟研究院 著 2019年版 - 下载地址2
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石窟寺研究 第9辑
作者: 中国古迹遗址保护协会石窟专业委员会,龙门石窟研究院 著
四川仁寿县冒水村大佛沟摩崖造像 符永利 刘超(1)
杭州将台山南观音洞造像调查记略 常青(24)
北朝时期的关陇高僧与麦积山石窟 孙晓峰(40)
关于云冈石窟第7、8窟中设计性的考察 因幡聪美(58)
关于云冈石窟第13窟的营造 八木春生(93)
山西阳摩山新样文殊造像 罗世平 邢陆楠(129)
炳灵寺石窟第70窟图像研究 王玲秀 刘宗昌(141)
吴越国石刻佛教造像的造型及组合 赖天兵(155)
连云港海清寺阿育王塔建造年代探析 赵旭(191)
十圣观音叙说——以大足石刻为中心的考察 李小强(201)
大足圣寿寺维摩殿探秘——兼及宝顶山川密道场的禅宗因缘 肖伊绯(223)
宝顶山大佛湾石窟明清修缮史料的整理 唐长清(237)
飞来峰元代菩萨造像研究 赵雅辞(249)
山西高平南李村佛堂寺水陆壁画考察 吕书炜(269)
云冈石窟五华洞第13窟壁画泥塑抢救性保护修复研究 付有旭 牛贺强 杨金礼等(280)
泰山经石峪大字石刻病害成因及石质文物本体检测研究 宗世强 石东岳 名贺等(307)
Studies of the Cave Temples
The Preliminary Investigation on the Images of Dafogou at Maoshui Village in Renshou County of Sichuan Fu Yongli Liu Chao(1)
The Preliminary Investigation on the Images of Southern Guanyin Cave at Mount Jiangtai in Hangzhou Chang Qing(24)
The Senior Monks and Maiji Mountain Grottoes in the Northern Dynasties Sun Xiaofeng(40)
An Examination of the Design of Caves 7 and 8 of Yungang Grottoes Inaba Satomi(58)
On the Construction of Cave 13 of Yungang Grottoes Yagi Haruo(93)
The “New-Type Manjusri” of Yangmo Mountain in Shanxi Province Luo Shiping Xing Lunan(129)
A Study of the Murals in Cave 70 in BingLingsi Grottoes Wang Lingxiu Liu Zongchang(141)
On the Iconography and Combination of Stone Carved Buddhist Images from Wuyue Kingdom Lai Tianbing(155)
An Investigation on the Construction Time of the King Asoka Pagoda of Haiqingsi Temple in Lianyungang City Zhao Xu(191)
A Study on Images of Ten Avalokitesvaras among the Dazu Rock Carvings Li Xiaoqiang(201)
Exploration of Vimalakirti Palace of Dazu Shengshousi Temple: The Zen Cause of Tantra Bodhimanda in Baodingshan Mountain of Sichuan Xiao YiFei(223)
A Brief Study and Organization of Historical Records about Repairing the Dafowan Cave Temples on Baoding Mountain Tang Changqing(237)
A Study on Bodhisattva Sculptures of Feilaifeng in Yuan Dynasty Zhao Yaci(249)
Research on Water-and-Land Murals of Fotangsi Temple in Nanli Village of Gaoping of Shanxi Province Lyu Shuwei(269)
The Study on Urgent Conservation and Repairation of Wall Paintings and Clay Sculptures in Cave 13 of Wuhuadong Cave of Yungang Grottoes Fu Youxu Niu Heqiang Yang Jinli, et al.(280)
Research on the Disease Cause of the Stone Valley Carving and the Detection of Stone Cultural Relics in Mountain Tai Zong Shiqiang Shi Dongyue Ming He, et al.(307)
Contributions Wanted(329)
作者: 中国古迹遗址保护协会石窟专业委员会,龙门石窟研究院 著
四川仁寿县冒水村大佛沟摩崖造像 符永利 刘超(1)
杭州将台山南观音洞造像调查记略 常青(24)
北朝时期的关陇高僧与麦积山石窟 孙晓峰(40)
关于云冈石窟第7、8窟中设计性的考察 因幡聪美(58)
关于云冈石窟第13窟的营造 八木春生(93)
山西阳摩山新样文殊造像 罗世平 邢陆楠(129)
炳灵寺石窟第70窟图像研究 王玲秀 刘宗昌(141)
吴越国石刻佛教造像的造型及组合 赖天兵(155)
连云港海清寺阿育王塔建造年代探析 赵旭(191)
十圣观音叙说——以大足石刻为中心的考察 李小强(201)
大足圣寿寺维摩殿探秘——兼及宝顶山川密道场的禅宗因缘 肖伊绯(223)
宝顶山大佛湾石窟明清修缮史料的整理 唐长清(237)
飞来峰元代菩萨造像研究 赵雅辞(249)
山西高平南李村佛堂寺水陆壁画考察 吕书炜(269)
云冈石窟五华洞第13窟壁画泥塑抢救性保护修复研究 付有旭 牛贺强 杨金礼等(280)
泰山经石峪大字石刻病害成因及石质文物本体检测研究 宗世强 石东岳 名贺等(307)
Studies of the Cave Temples
The Preliminary Investigation on the Images of Dafogou at Maoshui Village in Renshou County of Sichuan Fu Yongli Liu Chao(1)
The Preliminary Investigation on the Images of Southern Guanyin Cave at Mount Jiangtai in Hangzhou Chang Qing(24)
The Senior Monks and Maiji Mountain Grottoes in the Northern Dynasties Sun Xiaofeng(40)
An Examination of the Design of Caves 7 and 8 of Yungang Grottoes Inaba Satomi(58)
On the Construction of Cave 13 of Yungang Grottoes Yagi Haruo(93)
The “New-Type Manjusri” of Yangmo Mountain in Shanxi Province Luo Shiping Xing Lunan(129)
A Study of the Murals in Cave 70 in BingLingsi Grottoes Wang Lingxiu Liu Zongchang(141)
On the Iconography and Combination of Stone Carved Buddhist Images from Wuyue Kingdom Lai Tianbing(155)
An Investigation on the Construction Time of the King Asoka Pagoda of Haiqingsi Temple in Lianyungang City Zhao Xu(191)
A Study on Images of Ten Avalokitesvaras among the Dazu Rock Carvings Li Xiaoqiang(201)
Exploration of Vimalakirti Palace of Dazu Shengshousi Temple: The Zen Cause of Tantra Bodhimanda in Baodingshan Mountain of Sichuan Xiao YiFei(223)
A Brief Study and Organization of Historical Records about Repairing the Dafowan Cave Temples on Baoding Mountain Tang Changqing(237)
A Study on Bodhisattva Sculptures of Feilaifeng in Yuan Dynasty Zhao Yaci(249)
Research on Water-and-Land Murals of Fotangsi Temple in Nanli Village of Gaoping of Shanxi Province Lyu Shuwei(269)
The Study on Urgent Conservation and Repairation of Wall Paintings and Clay Sculptures in Cave 13 of Wuhuadong Cave of Yungang Grottoes Fu Youxu Niu Heqiang Yang Jinli, et al.(280)
Research on the Disease Cause of the Stone Valley Carving and the Detection of Stone Cultural Relics in Mountain Tai Zong Shiqiang Shi Dongyue Ming He, et al.(307)
Contributions Wanted(329)