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电磁噪声和量子光学测量(第二版 英文影印版)
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电磁噪声和量子光学测量(第二版 英文影印版)
Electromagnetic Noise and QuantumOptical Measurements is the result of more than 40 years ofresearch and teaching. The first three chapters provide thebackground necessary to understand the basic concepts. Then shotnoise and thermal noise are discussed, followed by linear noisymultiparts, the quantum theory of waveguides and resonators, ananalysis of phase-insensitive systems, detection, photonprobability distributions, solitons, phase-sensitive amplification,squeezing, the quantum theory of solitons and squeezing, andquantum non-demolition measurements. Rich appendices giveadditional information. The book is intended for graduate studentsand scientists in physics and engineering. Numerous problems andselected solutions will help readers to deepen their knowledge.
1. Maxwell's Equations, Power, and Energy
1.1 Maxwell's Field Equations
1.2 Poynting's Theorem
1.3 Energy and Power Relations and Symmetry of the Tensor
1.4 Uniqueness Theorem
1.5 The Complex Maxwell's Equations
1.6 Operations with Complex Vectors
1.7 The Complex Poynting Theorem
1.8 The Reciprocity Theorem
1.9 Summary
2. Waveguides and Resonators
2.1 The Fundamental Equations of Homogeneous Isotropic Waveguides
2.2 Transverse Electromagnetic Waves
2.3 Transverse Magnetic Waves
2.4 Transverse Electric Waves
2.4.1 Mode Expansions
2.5 Energy, Power, and Energy Velocity
2.5.1 The Energy Theorem
2.5.2 Energy Velocity and Group Velocity
2.5.3 Energy Relations for Wavegnide Modes
2.5.4 A Perturbation Example
2.6 The Modes of a Closed Cavity
2.7 Real Character of Eigenvalues and Orthogonality of Modes
2.8 Electromagnetic Field Inside a Closed Cavity with Sources.
2.9 Analysis of Open Cavity
2.10 Open Cavity with Single Input
2.10.1 The Resonator and the Energy Theorem
2.10.2 Perturbation Theory and the Generic Form of the Impedance Expression
2.11 Reciprocal Multiports
2.12 Simple Model of Resonator
2.13 Coupling Between Two Resonators
2.14 Summary
3. Diffraction, Dielectric Waveguides, Optical Fibers,and the Kerr Effect
3.1 Free-Space Propagation and Diffraction
3.2 Modes in a Cylindrical Piecewise Uniform Dielectric
3.3 Approximate Approach
3.4 Perturbation Theory
3.5 Propagation Along a Dispersive Fiber
3.6 Solution of the Dispersion Equation for a Gaussian Pulse
3.7 Propagation of a Polarized Wave in an Isotropic Kerr Medium
3.7.1 Circular Polarization
3.8 Summary
4. Shot Noise and Thermal Noise
4.1 The Spectrum of Shot Noise
4.2 The Probability Distribution of Shot Noise Events
4.3 Thermal Noise in Waveguides and Transmission Lines
4.4 The Noise of a Lossless Resonator
4.5 The Noise of a Lossy Resonator
4.6 Langevin Sources in a Waveguide with Loss
4.7 Lossy Linear Multiports at Thermal Equilibrium
4.8 The Probability Distribution of Photons at Thermal Equilibrium
4.9 Gaussian Amplitude Distribution of Thermal Excitations
4.10 Summary
5. Linear Noisy Multiports
5.1 Available and Exchangeable Power from a Source
5.2 The Stationary Values of the Power Delivered by a Noisy Multiport and the Characteristic Noise Matrix
Electromagnetic Noise and QuantumOptical Measurements is the result of more than 40 years ofresearch and teaching. The first three chapters provide thebackground necessary to understand the basic concepts. Then shotnoise and thermal noise are discussed, followed by linear noisymultiparts, the quantum theory of waveguides and resonators, ananalysis of phase-insensitive systems, detection, photonprobability distributions, solitons, phase-sensitive amplification,squeezing, the quantum theory of solitons and squeezing, andquantum non-demolition measurements. Rich appendices giveadditional information. The book is intended for graduate studentsand scientists in physics and engineering. Numerous problems andselected solutions will help readers to deepen their knowledge.
1. Maxwell's Equations, Power, and Energy
1.1 Maxwell's Field Equations
1.2 Poynting's Theorem
1.3 Energy and Power Relations and Symmetry of the Tensor
1.4 Uniqueness Theorem
1.5 The Complex Maxwell's Equations
1.6 Operations with Complex Vectors
1.7 The Complex Poynting Theorem
1.8 The Reciprocity Theorem
1.9 Summary
2. Waveguides and Resonators
2.1 The Fundamental Equations of Homogeneous Isotropic Waveguides
2.2 Transverse Electromagnetic Waves
2.3 Transverse Magnetic Waves
2.4 Transverse Electric Waves
2.4.1 Mode Expansions
2.5 Energy, Power, and Energy Velocity
2.5.1 The Energy Theorem
2.5.2 Energy Velocity and Group Velocity
2.5.3 Energy Relations for Wavegnide Modes
2.5.4 A Perturbation Example
2.6 The Modes of a Closed Cavity
2.7 Real Character of Eigenvalues and Orthogonality of Modes
2.8 Electromagnetic Field Inside a Closed Cavity with Sources.
2.9 Analysis of Open Cavity
2.10 Open Cavity with Single Input
2.10.1 The Resonator and the Energy Theorem
2.10.2 Perturbation Theory and the Generic Form of the Impedance Expression
2.11 Reciprocal Multiports
2.12 Simple Model of Resonator
2.13 Coupling Between Two Resonators
2.14 Summary
3. Diffraction, Dielectric Waveguides, Optical Fibers,and the Kerr Effect
3.1 Free-Space Propagation and Diffraction
3.2 Modes in a Cylindrical Piecewise Uniform Dielectric
3.3 Approximate Approach
3.4 Perturbation Theory
3.5 Propagation Along a Dispersive Fiber
3.6 Solution of the Dispersion Equation for a Gaussian Pulse
3.7 Propagation of a Polarized Wave in an Isotropic Kerr Medium
3.7.1 Circular Polarization
3.8 Summary
4. Shot Noise and Thermal Noise
4.1 The Spectrum of Shot Noise
4.2 The Probability Distribution of Shot Noise Events
4.3 Thermal Noise in Waveguides and Transmission Lines
4.4 The Noise of a Lossless Resonator
4.5 The Noise of a Lossy Resonator
4.6 Langevin Sources in a Waveguide with Loss
4.7 Lossy Linear Multiports at Thermal Equilibrium
4.8 The Probability Distribution of Photons at Thermal Equilibrium
4.9 Gaussian Amplitude Distribution of Thermal Excitations
4.10 Summary
5. Linear Noisy Multiports
5.1 Available and Exchangeable Power from a Source
5.2 The Stationary Values of the Power Delivered by a Noisy Multiport and the Characteristic Noise Matrix
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