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计算物理学导论 第二版

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计算物理学导论 第二版
preface to first edition
1 introduction
 1.1 computation and science
 1.2 the emergence of modem computers
 1.3 computer algorithms and languages
2 approximation of a function
 2.1 interpolation
 2.2 least-squares approximation
 2.3 the millikan experiment
 2.4 spline approximation
 2.5 random-number generators
3 numerical calculus
 3.1 numerical differentiation
 3.2 numerical integration
 3.3 roots of an equation
 3.4 extremes of a function
 3.5 classical scattering
4 ordinary differential equations
 4.1 initial-value problems
 4.2 the euler and picard methods
 4.3 predictor-corrector methods
 4.4 the runge-kutta method
 4.5 chaotic dynamics of a driven pendulum
 4.6 boundary-value and eigenvalue problems
 4.7 the shooting method
 4.8 linear equations and the sturm-liouville problem
 4.9 the one-dimensional schr6dinger equation
5 numerical methods for matrices
 5.1 matrices in physics
 5.2 basic matrix operations
 5.3 linear equation systems
 5.4 zeros and extremes of multivariable functions
 5.5 eigenvalue problems
 5.6 the faddeev-leverrier method
 5.7 complex zeros of a polynomial
 5.8 electronic structures of atoms
 5.9 the lanczos algorithm and the many-body problem
 5.10 random matrices
6 spectral analysis
 6.1 fourier analysis and orthogonal functions
 6.2 discrete fourier transform
 6.3 fast fourier transform
 6.4 power spectrum of a driven pendulum
 6.5 fourier transform in higher dimensions
 6.6 wavelet analysis
 6.7 discrete wavelet transform
 6.8 special functions
 6.9 gaussian quadratures
7 partial differential equations
 7.1 partial differential equations in physics
 7.2 separation of variables
 7.3 discretization of the equation
 7.4 the matrix method for difference equations
 7.5 the relaxation method
 7.6 groundwater dynamics
 7.7 initial-value problems
 7.8 temperature field of a nuclear waste rod
8 molecular dynamics simulations
 8.1 general behavior of a classical system
 8.2 basic methods for many-body systems
 8.3 the verlet algorithm
 8.4 structure of atomic clusters
 8.5 the gear predictor-corrector method
 8.6 constant pressure, temperature, and bond length
 8.7 structure and dynamics of real materials
 8.8 ab initio molecular dynamics
9 modeling continuous systems
 9.1 hydrodynamic equations
 9.2 the basic finite element method
 9.3 the ritz variational method
 9.4 higher-dimensional systems
 9.5 the finite element method for nonlinear equations
 9.6 the particle-in-cell method
 9.7 hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics
 9.8 the lattice boltzmann method
10 monte carlo simulations
 10.1 sampling and integration
 10.2 the metropolis algorithm
 10.3 applications in statistical physics
 10.4 critical slowing down and block algorithms
 10.5 variational quantum monte carlo simulations
 10.6 green's function monte carlo simulations
 10.7 two-dimensional electron gas
 10.8 path-integral monte carlo simulations
 10.9 quantum lattice models
11 genetic algorithm and programming
 11.1 basic elements of a genetic algorithm
 11.2 the thomson problem
 11.3 continuous genetic algorithm
 11.4 other applications
 11.5 genetic programming
12 numerical renormalization
 12.1 the scaling concept
 12.2 renormalization transform
 12.3 critical phenomena: the ising model
 12.4 renormalization with monte carlo simulation
 12.5 crossover: the kondo problem
 12.6 quantum lattice renormalization
 12.7 density matrix renormalization


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