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物理学中的群论(英文 影印版) [(美)吴基东 著] 2011年版

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物理学中的群论(英文 影印版)
作者:(美)吴基东 著
  group theory provides the natural mathematical language to formulate symmetry principles and to derive their consequences in mathematics and in physics. the "special functions" of mathematical physics, which pervade mathematical analysis,classical physics, and quantum mechanics, invariably originate from underlying symmetries of the problem although the traditional presentation of such topics may not expressly emphasize this universal feature. modern developments in all branches of physics are putting more and more emphasis on the role of symmetries of the underlying physical systems. thus the use of group theory has become increasingly important in recent years. however, the incorporation of group theory into the undergraduate or graduate physics curriculum of most universities has not kept up with this development. at best, this subject is offered as a special topic course, catering to a restricted class of students. symptomatic of this unfortunate gap is the lack of suitable textbooks on general group-theoretical methods in physics for all serious students of experimental and theoretical physics at the beginning graduate and advanced undergraduate level. this book is written to meet precisely this need.there already exist, of course, many books on group theory and its applications in physics. foremost among these are the old classics by weyl, wigner, and van der waerden. for applications to atomic and molecular physics, and to crystal lattices in solid state and chemical physics, there are many elementary textbooks emphasizing point groups, space groups, and the rotation group. reflecting the important role played by group theory in modern elementary particle theory, many current books expound on the theory of lie groups and lie algebras with emphasis suitable for high energy theoretical physics. finally, there are several useful general texts on group theory featuring comprehensiveness and mathematical rigor written for the more mathematically oriented audience. experience indicates, however, that for most students, it is difficult to find a suitable modern introductory text which is both general and readily understandable.
chapter 1 introduction
 1.1 particle on a one-dimensional lattice
 1.2 representations of the discrete translation operators
 1.3 physical consequences of translational symmetry
 1.4 the representation functions and fourier analysis
 1.5 symmetry groups of physics
chapter 2 basic group theory
 2.1 basic definitions and simple examples
 2.2 further examples, subgroups
 2.3 the rearrangement lemma and the symmetric (permutation)group
 2.4 classes and invariant subgroups
 2.5 cosets and factor (quotient) groups
 2.6 homomorphisms
 2.7 direct products
chapter 3 group representations
 3.1 representations
 3.2 irreducible, inequivalent representations
 3.3 unitary representations
 3.4 schur's lemmas
 3.5 orthonormality and completeness relations of irreduciblerepresentation matrices
 3.6 orthonormality and completeness relations of irreduciblecharacters
 3.7 the regular representation
 3.8 direct product representations, clebsch-gordancoefficients
chapter 4 general properties of irreducible vectors andoperators
 4.1 irreducible basis vectors
 4.2 the reduction of vectors--projection operators for irreduciblecomponents
 4.3 irreducible operators and the wigner-eckart theorem
chapter 5 representations of the symmetric groups
 5.1 one-dimensional representations
 5.2 partitions and young diagrams
 5.3 symmetrizers and anti-symmetrizers of young tableaux
 5.4 irreducible representations of sn
 5.5 symmetry classes of tensors
chapter 6 one-dimensional continuous groups
 6.1 the rotation group so(2)
 6.2 the generator of so(2)
 6.3 irreducible representations of so(2)
 6.4 invariant integration measure, orthonormality and completenessrelations
 6.5 multi-valued representations
 6.6 continuous translational group in one dimension
 6.7 conjugate basis vectors
chapter 7 rotations in three-dimensional space--the groupso(3)
 7.1 description of the group so(3)
  7.1.1 the angle-and-axis parameterization
  7.1.2 the euler angles
 7.2 one parameter subgroups, generators, and the lie algebra
 7.3 irreducible representations of the so(3) lie algebra
 7.4 properties of the rotational matrices dj(a, fl, 7)
 7.5 application to particle in a central potential
  7.5.1 characterization of states
  7.5.2 asymptotic plane wave states
  7.5.3 partial wave decomposition
  7.5.4 summary
 7.6 transformation properties of wave functions andoperators
 7.7 direct product representations and their reduction
 7.8 irreducible tensors and the wigner-eckart theorem
chapter 8 the group su(2) and more about so(3)
 8.1 the relationship between so(3) and su(2)
 8.2 invariant integration
 8.3 Orthonormality and completeness relations of dj
 8.4 projection operators and their physical applications
  8.4.1 single particle state with spill
  8.4.2 two particle states with spin
  8.4.3 partial wave expansion for two particle scattering withspin
 8.5 differential equations satisfied by the dj-functions
 8.6 group theoretical interpretation of spherical harmonics
  8.6.1 transformation under rotation
  8.6.2 addition theorem
  8.6.3 decomposition of products of yim with the samearguments
  8.6.4 recursion formulas
  8.6.5 symmetry in m
  8.6.6 Orthonormality and completeness
  8.6.7 summary remarks
 8.7 multipole radiation of the electromagnetic field
chapter 9 euclidean groups in two- and three-dimensionalspace
 9.1 the euclidean group in two-dimensional space e2
 9.2 unitary irreducible representations of e2--theangular-momentum basis
 9.3 the induced representation method and the plane-wavebasis
 9.4 differential equations, recursion formulas,and additiontheorem of the bessel function
 9.5 group contraction--so(3) and e2
 9.6 the euclidean group in three dimensions: e3
 9.7 unitary irreducible representations of e3 by the inducedrepresentation method
 9.8 angular momentum basis and the spherical bessel function
chapter 10 the lorentz and poincarie groups, and space-timesymmetries
 10.1 the lorentz and poincare groups
  10.1.1 homogeneous lorentz transformations
  10.1.2 the proper lorentz group
  10.1.3 decomposition of lorentz transformations
  10.1.4 relation of the proper lorentz group to sl(2)
  10.1.5 four-dimensional translations and the poincare group
 10.2 generators and the lie algeebra
 10.3 irreducible representations of the proper lorentz group
  10.3.1 equivalence of the lie algebra to su(2) x su(2)
  10.3.2 finite dimensional representations
  10.3.3 unitary representations
 10.4 unitary irreducible representations of the poincaregroup
  10.4.1 null vector case (pu= 0)
  10.4.2 time-like vector case (c1>3 0)
  10.4.3 the second casimir operator
  10.4.4 light-like case (c1 = 0)
  10.4.5 space-like case (c1<0)
  10.4.6 covariant normalization of basis states and integrationmeasure
 10.5 relation between representations of the lorentz and poincaregroups--relativistic wave functions, fields, and waveequations
  10.5.1 wave functions and field operators
  10.5.2 relativistic wave equations and the plane waveexpansion
  10.5.3 the lorentz-poincare connection
  10.5.4 /deriving/ relativistic wave equations
chapter 11 space inversion invariance
 11.1 space inversion in two-dimensional euclidean space
  11.1.1 the group 0(2)
  11.1.2 irreducible representations of 0(2)
  11.1.3 the extended euclidean group e2 and its irreduciblerepresentations
 11.2 space inversion in three-dimensional euclidean space
  11.2.1 the group 0(3) and its irreducible representations
  11.2.2 the extended euclidean group e3 and its irreduciblerepresentations
 11.3 space inversion in four-dimensional minkowski space
  11.3.1 the complete lorentz group and its irreduciblerepresentations
  11.3.2 the extended poincare group and its irreduciblerepresentations
 11.4 general physical consequences of space inversion
  11.4.1 eigenstates of angular momentum and parity
  11.4.2 scattering amplitudes and electromagnetic multipoletransitions
chapter 12 time reversal invariance
 12.1 preliminary discussion
 12.2 time reversal invariance in classical physics
 12.3 problems with linear realization of timereversaltransformation
 12.4 the anti-unitary time reversal operator
 12.5 irreducible representations of the full poincare group in thetime-like case
 12.6 irreducible representations in the light-like case (c1 = c2 =0)
 12.7 physical consequences of time reversal invariance
  12.7.1 time reversal and angular momentum eigenstates
  12.7.2 time-reversal symmetry of transition amplitudes
  12.7.3 time reversal invariance and perturbation amplitudes
chapter 13 finite-dimensional representations of the classicalgroups
 13.1 gl(m): fundamental representations and the associated vectorspaces
 13.2 tensors in v x v, contraction, and gl(m)transformations
 13.3 irreducible representations of gl(m) on thespace of generaltensors
 13.4 irreducible representations of other classical lineargroups
  13.4.1 unitary groups u(m) and u(m+, m_)
  13.4.2 special linear groups sl(m) and special unitary groupssu(m+, m_)
  13.4.3 the real orthogonal group o(m+,m_; r) and the special realorthogonal group so(m +, m_; r)
 13.5 concluding remarks
appendix i notations and symbols
 i.1 summation convention
 i.2 vectors and vector indices
 i.3 matrix indices
appendix ii summary of linear vector spaces
 ii.1 linear vector space
 ii.2 linear transformations (operators) on vector spaces
 ii.3 matrix representation of linear operators
 ii.4 dual space, adjoint operators
 ii.5 inner (scalar) product and inner product space
 ii.6 linear transformations (operators) on inner productspaces
appendix iii group algebra and the reduction of regularrepresentation
 iii. 1 group algebra
 1ii.2 left ideals, projection operators
 iii.3 idempotents
 iii.4 complete reduction of the regular representation
appendix iv supplements to the theory of symmetric groups sn
appendix v clebsch-gordan coefficients and sphericalharmonics
appendix vi rotational and lorentz spinors
appendix vii unitary representations of the proper lorentzgroup
appendix viii anti-linear operators
references and bibliography


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