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通信原理(英文版)[樊昌信编著] 2010年版

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  On the basis of introducing the principles of analog communication, the book is focused on the principles of digital communication, and describes the communication system constitute, the specifications, the operation principles, the performance analysis, and the design methods. New communication systems and technologies developed recently are emphasized.The book is suitable for electronic specialties of engineering school in Chinese general institutions of higher learning as the textbook or reference for the junior and senior students and graduate students, and can also be used as a reference book or a textbook in the advanced study classes for the engineering and technical personnel engaged in communication engineering.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Historical Review of Communication
1.2 Message, Information, and Signal
1.3 Digital Communication
I.3.1 Basic Concept
1.3.2 Advantages of Digital Communication
1.3.3 Digital Communication System Model
1.3.4 Specifications of Digital Communication System
1.4 Channel
1.4.1 Wireless Channel
1.4.2 Wired Channel
1.4.3 Channel Models
1.4.4 Influence of Channel Characteristics on Signal Transmission
1.5 Noise in Channel
1.6 Brief Summary
Chapter 2 Signals
2.1Classification of Signals
2.2 Characteristics of Deterministic Signals
2.2.1 Characteristics in Frequency Domain
2.2.2 Characteristis in Time Domain
2.3 Characteristics of Random Signals
2.3.1 Probability Distribution of Random Variable
2.3.2 Probability Density of Random Variable
2.4 Examples of Frequently Used Random Variables
2.5 Numerical Characteristics of Random Variable
2.5.1 Mathematical Expectation
2.5.2 Variance
2.5.3 Moment
2.6 Random Process
2.6.1 Basic Concept of Random Process
2.6.2 Stationary Random Process
2.6.3 Ergodicity
2.6.4 Antocorrelation Function and Power Spectral Density of Stationary Random Process
2.7 Gaussian Process
2.8 Narrow Band Random Process
2.8.1 Basic Concept of Narrow Band Random Process
2.8.2 Characteristics of Narrow Band Random Process
2.9 Sinusoidal Wave plus Narrow Band Gaussian Process
2.10 Signal Transfer through Linear Systems
2.10.1 Basic Concept of Linear Systems
2.10.2 Deterministic Signal Transfer through Linear Systems
2.10.3 Random Signal Transfer through Linear Systems
2.1 Brief Summary
Chapter 3 Analog Modulation System
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Linear-Modulation
3.2.1 Amplitude Modulation (AM)
3.2.2 Double- Sideband Modulation (DSB)
3.2.3 Single- Sideband Modulation (SSB)
3.2.4 Vestigial Sideband Modulation (VSB)
3.3 Nonlinear Modulation
3.3.1 Basic Principles
3.3.2 Frequency Spectrum and Bandwidth of Modulated Signal
3.3.3 Reception of Angular Modulated Signal
3.4 Brief Summary
Chapter 4 Digitization of Analog Signal
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Sampling of Analog Signal
4.2.1 Sampling of Low-Pass Analog Signal
4.2.2 Sampling of Band-Pass Analog Signal
4.2.3 Analog Pulse Modulation
4.3 Quantization of Sampled Signal
4.3.1 Principles of Quantization
4.3.2 Uniform Quantization
4.3.3 Nonuniform Quantization
4.4 Pulse Code Modulation
4.4.1 Basic Principles of Pulse Code Modulation
4.4.2 Natural Binary Code and Fold Binary Code
4.4.3 Quantization Noise in PCM System
4.5 Differential Pulse Code Modulation
4.5.1 Principles of Differential Pulse Code Modulation
4.5.2 Quantization Noise and Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio in DPCM System
4.6 Delta Modulation
4.6.1 Principles of Delta Modulation
4.6.2 Quantization Noise in Delta Modulation System
4.7 Brief Summary
Chapter 5 Representation and Transmission of Baseband Digital Signal
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Coding Method of Character
5.3 Waveform of Baseband Digital Signal
5.4 Symbol Code Types of Baseband Digital Signals for Transmission
5.5 Frequency Characteristic of Baseband Digital Signal
5.5.1 Calculation of Power Spectral Density of vo (t)
5.5.2 Calculation of Power Spectral Density of uc (t)
5.5.3 Calculation of Power Spectral Density of s(t)
5.5.4 Examples of Power Spectral Density Calculation
5.6 Transmission and Intersymbol Interference of Baseband Digital Signal
5.6.1 Model of Baseband Digital Signal Transmission System
5.6.2 Intersymbol Interference and Nyquist Criterion
5.6.3 Partial Response System
5.7 Eye Pattern
5.8 Time-domain Equalizer
5.8.1 Introduction
5.8.2 Fundamental Principle of Transversal Filter
5.8.3 Realization of Transversal Filter
5.9 Brief Summary
Chapter 6 Elementary Digital Modulation System
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Binary Amplitude Shift Keying (2ASK)
6.2.1 Basic Principle
6.2.2 Power Spectral Density
6.2.3 Symbol Error Probability
6.3 Binary Frequency Shift Keying (2FSK)
6.3.1 Basic Principle
6.3.2 Power Spectral Density
6.3.3 Minimum Frequency Space
6.3.4 Symbol Error Probability
6.4 Binary Phase Shift Keying (2PSK)
6.4.1 Basic Principle
6.4.2 Power Spectral Density
6.4.3 Symbol Error Probability
6.5 Binary Differential Phase Shift Keying (2DPSK)
6.5.1 Basic Principle
6.5.2 Power Spectral Density
6.5.3 Symbol Error Probability
6.6 Performance Comparison of Binary Digital Keying Transmission System
6.7 M-ary Digital Keying
6.7. 1 M-ary Amplitude Keying (M-ASK)
6.7.2 M- ary Frequency Shift Keying ( M- FSK)
6.7.3 M-ary Phase Shift Keying (M-PSK)
6.7.4 M-ary Differential Phase Shift Keying (M-DPSK)
6.7.5 Amplitude/Phase Combination Keying (APK)
6.7.6 Examples of M-ary Digital Keying Practical Systems
6.8 Brief Summary
Chapter 7 Synchronization
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Carrier Synchronization Method
7.2.1 Pilot Insertion Method
7.2.2 Direct Extraction Method
7.2.3 Performance of Carrier Synchronization
7.3 Bit Synchronization
7.3.1 External Synchronization
7.3.2 Self Synchronization

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