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碳纳米管[R. E. Smalley 着]
- 名 称:碳纳米管[R. E. Smalley 着] - 下载地址1
- 类 别:材料书籍
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- 浏览次数:3
新闻评论(共有 0 条评论) |
Since the discovery of the fullerenes in 1985 my research group and I have
had the privilege of watching from a central location the worldwide scientific
community at work in one of its most creative, penetrating, self-correcting,
and divergent periods of the last century. In his recent book, “The Transparent
had the privilege of watching from a central location the worldwide scientific
community at work in one of its most creative, penetrating, self-correcting,
and divergent periods of the last century. In his recent book, “The Transparent
下一篇: 纳米结构材料加工性能应用
上一篇: Al2O3纳米粉体及透明陶瓷 米晓云.孙秀刚