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亚微米 微米SiCp AZ91镁基复合材料 英文版 邓坤坤 等著 2017年版

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亚微米 微米SiCp AZ91镁基复合材料 英文版
作者:邓坤坤 等著
  《Submicron/Micron SiCp/AZ91 Magnesium Matrix Co》通过研究单一尺寸SiCp对镁显微组织和力学性能的影响规律,阐明颗粒尺寸对复合材料强化行为的内在影响机理。以此为依据,设计并制备(亚微米+微米)双尺寸SiCp/AZ91复合材料,研究(亚微米+微米)双尺寸SiCp对AZ91基体显微组织和力学性能的影响规律,表征不同尺寸SiCp同AZ91基体的界面,分析双尺寸SiCp/AZ91镁基复合材料的增强机理,建立双尺寸SiCp/AZ91镁基复合材料的屈服强度计算公式,阐明双尺寸SiCp/AZ91镁基复合材料的室温拉伸机制和断裂机理。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research of Discontinuous Reinforced Magnesium Matrix Com□□□ite
1.2 Stirring Casting Process of Discontinuous Reinforced Magnesium Matrix Com□□□ites
1.3 Recrystallizaion Behavior of Particle Reinforced Magnesium Matrix Com□□□ites
1.4 Interface in Magnesium Matrix Com□□□ites
1.5 Fracture Mechanism of Magnesium Matrix Com□□□ites
1.6 Main Contents in This Book

Chapter 2 Experimental Material and Procedure
2.1 Experimental Material
2.1.1 Matrix Alloy
2.1.2 Reinforcement
2.2 Fabrication and Hot Deformation Process
2.2.1 Fabrication of SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ites
2.2.2 Forging of the Alloy and Com□□□ites
2.2.3 Extrusion of the Alloy and Com□□□ites
2.3 Experimental Procedure

Chapter 3 Effect of Hot Deformation on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ites
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Procedure of Hot Deformation
3.3 Microstructures of As-deformed SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ite
3.3.1 Microstruetures of SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ite Influenced by Forging Temperature
3.3.2 Microstruetures of SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ite Influenced by Forging Amount
3.3.3 Microstructures of SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ite Influenced by Two-step Deformation
3.4 Mechanical Properties of As-deformed SiCJAZ91 Com□□□ite
3.4.1 Mechanical Properties of SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ite Influenced by Forging Temperature
3.4.2 Mechanical Properties of SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ite Influenced by Forging Amount
3.4.3 Mechanical Properties of SiCJAZ91 Com□□□ite Influenced by Two-step Deformation
3.5 Conclusions

Chapter 4 Micron SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ites
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Mierostructures of Micron SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ite
4.2.1 Microstruetures Influenced by the Volume Fraction of Micron SiCp
4.2.2 Microstructures Influenced by Micron SiCp Size
4.3 Mechanical Properties of Micron SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ite
4.4 Room Temperature Deformation Mechanisms
4.5 Conclusions

Chapter 5 Submieron SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ites
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Microstructures of Submicron SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ites
5.2.1 Microstructures after Hot Extrusion
5.2.2 Microstructural Evolution during Hot Extrusion
5.2.3 Discussions about the DRX Mechanism of Submicron SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ite
5.3 Mechanical Properties of Submicron SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ites
5.4 Analysis of Room Temperature Deformation
5.5 Discussions
5.5.1 Microstructures Influenced by SiCp Size
5.5.2 Textures Influenced by SiCp Size
5.5.3 Mechanical Properties Influenced by SiCp Size
5.6 Conclusions

Chapter 6 ( Submicron + micron) Bimodal Size
SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ites
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Design of Bimodal Size SiCJAZ91 Com□□□ite
6.3 Microstructures of Bimodal Size SiCSAZ91 Com□□□ite
6.4 Mechanical Properties of Bimodal Size SiCp/AZ91 Com□□□ite
6.5 Interface in Bimodal Size SiCo/AZ91 Com□□□ite
6.5.1 Interface between M-SiCp and Magnesium
6.5.2 Interface between S-SiCp and Magnesium
6.6 Strengthening Mechanism
6.7 Analysis of Room Temperature Deformation
6.8 Conclusions
Chapter 7 Conclusions
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