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现代生物学精要速览 微生物学速览 英文版

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现代生物学精要速览 微生物学速览 英文版
丛编项: 现代生物学精要速览
Section A-The microbial world
A1 The microbial world
Section B-Microbial metabolism
B1 Heterobrophic pathways
B2 Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation
B3 Autotrophic metabolism
B4 Biosynthetic pathways
Section C-Information storage and transfer
C1 Structure and organization of DNA
C2 DNA replication
C3 RNA molecules in the cell
C4 Transcription
C5 Control of gene expression
C6 Structure of proteins
C7 Translation
Section D-Bacterial structure and function
D1 Bacterial taxonomy
D2 Bacterial cell structure
D3 Bacterial cell envelope
D4 Bacterial cell-wall synthesis
D5 Transport across the membrane
D6 Bacterial movement and chemotaxis
D7 Growth in the laboratory
D8 Bacterial growth and cell cycle
D9 Techniques uesd to study bacteria
Section E- Bacterial genetics
E1 Mutations
E2 Mutagenesis
E3 Recombination and transposition
E4 DNA repair mechanisms
E5 Plasmids
E6 F plasmids and conjugation
E7 Bacteriophage
E8 Replication of bacteriophage
E9 Transduction
E10 Transformation
Section F-Bacteria and their environment
F1 Bacteria in the environment
F2 Bacteria in industry
F3 Bacterial disease-an overview
F4 Human host defense mechanisms
F5 Entry and colonization of human hosts
F6 Bacterial toxins and human disease
F7 Control of bacterial infection
Section G-The eukaryotic protistan microbes-an overview
G1 Taxonomy
G2 Eukaryotic cell structure
G3 Cell division and ploidy
Section H-The fungi and related phyla
H1 Fungal cell structure and growth
H2 Fungal nutrition
H3 Reproduction in fungi
H4 Fungal spore discharge and dispersal
H5 Related phyla:the water and slime molds
H6 Beneficial effects of fungi in their environment
H7 Detrimental effects of fungi in their environment
Section I-The algae
I1 Algal cell structure and growth
I2 Algal nutrition and metabolism
I3 Reproduction in the algae
I4 Beneficial effects of algae
I5 Detrimental effects of algae
Section J-The protozoa
J1 Taxonomy of protozoa
J2 Cellular structure of protozoa
J3 Physiology of protozoa
J4 Unusual metabolic pathways
J5 Reproduction
J6 Beneficial effects of protozoa:symbiotic relationships
J7 Detrimental effects of protozoa:parasitic relationships
Section K-The viruses
K1 Virus structure
K2 Virus taxonomy
K3 Virus proteins
K4 Virus nucleic acids
K5 Cell culture and virus growth
K6 Virus assay
K7 Virus replication
K8 Virus infection
K9 Viruses and the immune system
K10 Virus vaccines
K11 Antiviral chemotherapy
K12 Plant viruses
Further reading


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