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高等数学(上册 英文版)[北京邮电大学高等数学双语教学组 主编] 2011年版

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高等数学(上册 英文版)
作者:北京邮电大学高等数学双语教学组 主编
chapter 0 preliminary knowledge
0.1 polar coordinate system
 0.1.1 plotting points with polar coordinates
  0.1.2 converting between polar and cartesiancoordinates
0.2 complex numbers
  0.2.1 the definition of the complex number
 0.2.2 the complex plane
  0.2.3 absolute value,conjugation and distance
 0.2.4 polar form of complex numbers
chapter 1 theoretical basis of calculus
1.1 sets and functions
  1.1.1 sets and their operations
  1.1.2 mappings and functions
 1.1.3 the primary properties of functions
 1.1.4 composition of functions
  1.1.5 elementary functions and hyperbolic functions
 1.1.6 modeling our real world
  exercises 1.1
1.2 limits of sequences of numbers
 1.2.1 the sequence
  1.2.2 convergence of a sequence
 1.2.3 calculating limits of sequences
  exercises 1.2
1.3 limits of functions
 1.3.1 speed and rates of change
  1.3.2 the concept of limit of a function
 1.3.3 properties and operation rules of functionallimits
  1.3.4 two important limits
 exercises 1.3
1.4 infinitesimal and infinite quantities
  1.4.1 infinitesimal quantities and their order
 1.4.2 infinite quantities
  exercises 1.4
1.5 continuous functions
 1.5.1 continuous function and discontinuous points
  1.5.2 operations on continuous functions and the continuityof elementary functions
  1.5.3 properties of continuous functions on a closedinterval
 exercises 1.5
chapter 2 derivative and differential
2.1 concept of derivatives
  2.1.1 introductory examples
 2.1.2 definition of derivatives
  2.1.3 geometric interpretation of derivative
 2.1.4 relationship between derivability andcontinuity
  exercises 2.1
2.2 rules of finding derivatives
 2.2.1 derivation rules of rational operations
  2.2.2 derivative of inverse functions
 2.2.3 derivation rules of composite functions
  2.2.4 derivation formulas of fundamental elementaryfunctions
 exercises 2.2
2.3 higher-order derivatives
  exercises 2.3
2.4 derivation of implicit functions and parametricequations,related rates
 2.4.1 derivation of implicit functions
  2.4.2 derivation of parametric equations
 2.4.3 related rates
  exercises 2.4
2.5 differential of the function
 2.5.1 concept of the differential
  2.5.2 geometric meaning of the differential
 2.5.3 differential rules of elementary functions
  exercises 2.5
2.6 differential in linear approximate computation
 exercises 2.6
chapter 3 the mean value theorem and applications ofderivatives
3.1 the mean value theorem
  3.1.1 rolle's theorem
  3.1.2 lagrange's theorem
 3.1.3 cauchy s theorem
  exercises 3.1
3.2 l'hospital's rule
  exercises 3.2
3.3 taylor's theorem
 3.3.1 taylor's theorem
  3.3.2 applications of taylor's theorem
 exercises 3.3
3.4 monotonicity and convexity of functions
  3.4.1 monotonicity of functions
 3.4.2 convexity of functions,inflections
  exercises 3.4
3.5 local extreme values,global maxima and minima
 3.5.1 local extreme values
  3.5.2 global maxima and minima
  exercises 3.5
3.6 graphing functions using calculus
  exercises 3.6
chapter 4 indefinite integrals
4.1 concepts and properties of indefinite integrals
  4.1.1 antiderivatives and indefinite integrals
  4.1.2 properties of indefinite integrals
  exercises 4.1
4.2 integration by substitution
 4.2.1 integration by the first substitution
  4.2.2 integration by the second substitution
 exercises 4.2
4.3 integration by parts
  exercises 4.3
4.4 integration of rational fractions
  4.4.1 integration of rational fractions
  4.4.2 antiderivatives not expressed by elementaryfunctions
 exercises 4.4
chapter 5 definite integrals
5.1 concepts and properties of definite integrals
  5.1.1 instances of definite integral problems
  5.1.2 the definition of definite integral
 5.1.3 properties of definite integrals
  exercises 5.1
5.2 the fundamental theorems of calculus
 exercises 5.2
5.3 integration by substitution and by parts in definiteintegrals
  5.3.1 substitution in definite integrals
  5.3.2 integration by parts in definite integrals
 exercises 5.3
5.4 improper integral
  5.4.1 integration on an infinite interval
 5.4.2 improper integrals with infinitediscontinuities
  exercises 5.4
5.5 applications of definite integrals
 5.5.1 method of setting up elements of integration
  5.5.2 the area of a plane region
  5.5.3 the arc length of a curve
  5.5.4 the volume of a solid
  5.5.5 applications of definite integral in physics
  exercises 5.5
chapter 6 infinite series
6.1 concepts and properties of series with constantterms
  6.1.1 examples of the sum of an infinite sequence)
 6.1.2 concepts of series with constant terms
  6.1.3 properties of series with constant terms
 exercises 6.1
6.2 convergence tests for series with constant terms
  6.2.1 convergence tests of series with positive terms
 6.2.2 convergence tests for alternating series
  6.2.3 absolute and conditional convergence
 exercises 6.2
6.3 power series
  6.3.1 functional series
 6.3.2 power series and their convergence
  6.3.3 operations of power series
 exercises 6.3
6.4 expansion of functions in power series
  6.4.1 taylor and maclaurin series
 6.4.2 expansion of functions in power series
  6.4.3 applications of power series expansion offunctions
 exercises 6.4
6.5 fourier series
  6.5.1 orthogonality of the system of trigonometricfunctions
 6.5.2 fourier series
  6.5.3 convergence of fourier series
 6.5.4 sine and cosine series
  exercises 6.5
6.6 fourier series of other forms
  6.6.1 fourier expansions of periodic functions with period2l
 6.6.2 complex form of fourier series
  exercises 6.6

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