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工程制图 [段志坚,田广才 主编] 2012年
- 名 称:工程制图 [段志坚,田广才 主编] 2012年 - 下载地址1
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作 者: 段志坚 等主编
版时间: 2012
0.1工程制图的性质和内容(Character and content of engineering drawings)
0.2工程制图的教学目的(Teaching aims of engineering drawings)
0.3工程制图的学习方法(Study methods of engineering drawings)
0.4我国工程制图的发展概况(Development general situation of engineeringdrawings in China)
第1章工程制图基本知识与技能(Fundamental knowledge and technical ability of
engineering drawings)
1.1工程制图基本规范及规则(Fundamental standards and rules of engineeringdrawings)
1.2平面图形的绘制(Construction of planar figures)
1.3绘图技能(Technical ability for drawing)
第2章投影法、三视图和轴测图(Projection methods ,three views andaxonometric
2.2投影法的基本知识(Fundamental knowledge of projection methods)
2.3三视图及其画法(Three views and plotting methods)
2.4轴测图及其画法(Axonometric projection and plotting methods)
第3章基本几何元素和基本立体的投影(Projections of basic geometric elements and
basic objects)
3.1点的投影(Projection of point)
3.2直线的投影(Projections of lines)
3.3平面的投影(Projections of planes)
3.4平面立体的投影(Projections of planar objects)
3.5曲面立体的投影(Projections of curve surfaced objects)
3.6基本立体的尺寸注法(Dimensioning the basic objects)
第4章基本立体的截交与相贯(Truncation and intersection of basic solids)
4.1截交线的性质与求法(Drawing methods and characters ofplane?intersections)
4.2相贯线的性质与求法(Drawing methods and characters ofspace?intersections)
4.3过渡线(Transition lines)
4.4相贯线的简化画法(Simplified drawing method ofspace?intersections)
4.5截断体和相贯体的尺寸注法(Dimensioning of the intersected and truncatedbasic solids)
第5章组合体(Composite Solids)
5.1组合体的组合形式(Formation styles of composite solids)
5.2组合体表面连接关系(Surface connection of composite solids)
5.3绘制组合体视图(Making drawings of composite solids)
5.4组合体读图(Reading drawings of composite solids)
5.5组合体的尺寸注法(Dimensioning of composite solids)
第6章图样的基本表示法(Basic representation of drawings)
作 者: 段志坚 等主编
版时间: 2012
0.1工程制图的性质和内容(Character and content of engineering drawings)
0.2工程制图的教学目的(Teaching aims of engineering drawings)
0.3工程制图的学习方法(Study methods of engineering drawings)
0.4我国工程制图的发展概况(Development general situation of engineeringdrawings in China)
第1章工程制图基本知识与技能(Fundamental knowledge and technical ability of
engineering drawings)
1.1工程制图基本规范及规则(Fundamental standards and rules of engineeringdrawings)
1.2平面图形的绘制(Construction of planar figures)
1.3绘图技能(Technical ability for drawing)
第2章投影法、三视图和轴测图(Projection methods ,three views andaxonometric
2.2投影法的基本知识(Fundamental knowledge of projection methods)
2.3三视图及其画法(Three views and plotting methods)
2.4轴测图及其画法(Axonometric projection and plotting methods)
第3章基本几何元素和基本立体的投影(Projections of basic geometric elements and
basic objects)
3.1点的投影(Projection of point)
3.2直线的投影(Projections of lines)
3.3平面的投影(Projections of planes)
3.4平面立体的投影(Projections of planar objects)
3.5曲面立体的投影(Projections of curve surfaced objects)
3.6基本立体的尺寸注法(Dimensioning the basic objects)
第4章基本立体的截交与相贯(Truncation and intersection of basic solids)
4.1截交线的性质与求法(Drawing methods and characters ofplane?intersections)
4.2相贯线的性质与求法(Drawing methods and characters ofspace?intersections)
4.3过渡线(Transition lines)
4.4相贯线的简化画法(Simplified drawing method ofspace?intersections)
4.5截断体和相贯体的尺寸注法(Dimensioning of the intersected and truncatedbasic solids)
第5章组合体(Composite Solids)
5.1组合体的组合形式(Formation styles of composite solids)
5.2组合体表面连接关系(Surface connection of composite solids)
5.3绘制组合体视图(Making drawings of composite solids)
5.4组合体读图(Reading drawings of composite solids)
5.5组合体的尺寸注法(Dimensioning of composite solids)
第6章图样的基本表示法(Basic representation of drawings)
下一篇: 图解数控铣镗加工技术
上一篇: 工程制图 [熊南峰 编] 2012年