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管道完整性评估技术与应用 英文版 董绍华(DongShaohua),饶静(RaoJing) 著 2018年版
- 名 称:管道完整性评估技术与应用 英文版 董绍华(DongShaohua),饶静(RaoJing) 著 2018年版 - 下载地址1
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管道完整性评估技术与应用 英文版
作者: 董绍华(DongShaohua),饶静(RaoJing) 著
出版时间: 2018年版
本书从国内外近年来典型管道事故案例的出发,对事故产生的原因进行了统计分析,阐述了管道完整性评估对于完整性管理的重要性,形成了管道完整性评估理论体系,分析了国内外管道完整性技术标准法规的适用性, 阐述了复杂氢环境下管道断裂扩展失效机理,研究了管道完整性评价技术与方法,包括内检测评估、内腐蚀(外腐蚀、应力腐蚀)直接评估、以及试压评估等方法的进展与趋势,提出了含缺陷管体的适用性评价方法,建立了管道内检测缺陷与数据信号量化模型,针对多项完整性评估关键技术进行了现场应用,应用效果良好。本书还针对管道完整性评价领域的前沿技术,提出了焊缝射线底片识别及评估技术,建立了缺陷识别的支持向量机SVM模型,对焊缝实现自动与精准识别与评估;提出了基于物联网的完整性评价技术、站场完整性评价技术,管道四维GIS技术,以及高钢级大口径管道气体爆破试验评估技术。 本书内容紧密结合生产实际,分析案例全部引自油气管道生产一线,针对生产中经常性问题进行了科学分析和评价,并提出了风险控制措施,具有很强的实用性,发挥了示范作用。
Chapter 1 Survey
1.1 Pipeline Safety under Challenge
1.2 Recent North American Pipeline Accident Cases
1.3 Significance of PIA for China
Chapter 2 Progress on Pipeline Integrity Management and Assessment
2.1 PIM Implementation by World Large Pipeline Companies
2.2 Pipeline Integrity Assessment(PIA) Technical Progress
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Technical Standards for Pipeline Integrity
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Series of PIM Standards Developed in Industrial Countries
3.3 Comparison of Integrity Management Standards between Gas Pipelines and Liquid Pipelines
3.4 PIM Standard and Code Evolvement in China
3.5 Sketch of PIM Standards ,
3.6 Some Thoughts on Integrity Standard Development in China
Chapter 4 Pipeline Integrity Failure Mechanism
4.1 Studies of Stress/Strain Fields around the Crack Tip Process Zone
4.2 The Pipeline Fracture Behavior Model under HIC Environment
4.3 Fractal Research on Cracks Propagation of Pipes under HIC
Chapter 5 In-line Inspection Practice and Pressure Test Assessment
5.1 Pipeline In-line Inspection (ILl) Technologies and Implementation Program
5.2 ILl Technical Practice and Signal Processing
5.3 Pressure Test Assessment
Chapter 6 Corrosion Assessment Technology and Applications
6.1 Analysis of the Compositons of the Black Powder within Gas Pipelines and Its Preventive Solutions
6.2 Dry Gas Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (DG-ICDA)
6.3 External Corrosion Direct Assessment
6.4 Gas Pipeline Valve Erosion and Life Prediction Technology
6.5 Internal Coating Assessment of In-service Pipeline
6.6 Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Direct Assessment
Chapter 7 Fitness-for-Purpose Assessment Technology and Application
7.1 Analysis and Assessment of the Impact of Explosion Waves on the Cross Section of the Pipeline
7.2 The Possibility Assessment of Pipeline Stress Corrosion Cracking
7.3 Analysis of Pipeline Bucking Caused by External Force
7.4 Safety Assessment of Pipeline Bending Deformation
7.5 Integrity Assessment of the Pipeline Settlement at the Valve Station
7.6 Risk Assessment of Upgraded Local Class
7.7 Defects Assessment of Pipeline Internal Inspection
Chapter 8 Pipeline Weld Image Defect Recognition and Assessment
8.1 Brief
8.2 Verification of Image Edge Detection Technology of Pipeline Weld Based on Multi - operator Fusion
8.3 CLTP Extraction Technology for Pipeline Weld Defect Texture Features of X-Ray Film
8.4 SVM Method on Pipeline Weld Defect Image Recognition Based on CLTP Texture & Shape Feature
Chapter 9 The New Development of PIM and Integrity Assessment
9.1 Pipeline Four-dimensional Management Technology
9.2 Application and Development of Pipeline Integrity Management during the Era of the Internet of Things(IOT)
9.3 Development of the Oil and Gas Station Integrity Management Assessment Techniques
9.4 Integrity Assessment Techniques of High-grade, Full-scale Pipeline Gas Blasting
9.5 Guided Wave Tomography for Quantification of Corrosion Damage in Fluid-filled Pipes
Chapter 10 Case of Pipeline Integrity Assessment Practice
10.1 Introduction
10.2 BGPC Pipeline Integrity Management System Framework
10.3 Practice of Pipeline Integrity Assessment Technology
10.4 Conclusions
作者: 董绍华(DongShaohua),饶静(RaoJing) 著
出版时间: 2018年版
本书从国内外近年来典型管道事故案例的出发,对事故产生的原因进行了统计分析,阐述了管道完整性评估对于完整性管理的重要性,形成了管道完整性评估理论体系,分析了国内外管道完整性技术标准法规的适用性, 阐述了复杂氢环境下管道断裂扩展失效机理,研究了管道完整性评价技术与方法,包括内检测评估、内腐蚀(外腐蚀、应力腐蚀)直接评估、以及试压评估等方法的进展与趋势,提出了含缺陷管体的适用性评价方法,建立了管道内检测缺陷与数据信号量化模型,针对多项完整性评估关键技术进行了现场应用,应用效果良好。本书还针对管道完整性评价领域的前沿技术,提出了焊缝射线底片识别及评估技术,建立了缺陷识别的支持向量机SVM模型,对焊缝实现自动与精准识别与评估;提出了基于物联网的完整性评价技术、站场完整性评价技术,管道四维GIS技术,以及高钢级大口径管道气体爆破试验评估技术。 本书内容紧密结合生产实际,分析案例全部引自油气管道生产一线,针对生产中经常性问题进行了科学分析和评价,并提出了风险控制措施,具有很强的实用性,发挥了示范作用。
Chapter 1 Survey
1.1 Pipeline Safety under Challenge
1.2 Recent North American Pipeline Accident Cases
1.3 Significance of PIA for China
Chapter 2 Progress on Pipeline Integrity Management and Assessment
2.1 PIM Implementation by World Large Pipeline Companies
2.2 Pipeline Integrity Assessment(PIA) Technical Progress
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Technical Standards for Pipeline Integrity
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Series of PIM Standards Developed in Industrial Countries
3.3 Comparison of Integrity Management Standards between Gas Pipelines and Liquid Pipelines
3.4 PIM Standard and Code Evolvement in China
3.5 Sketch of PIM Standards ,
3.6 Some Thoughts on Integrity Standard Development in China
Chapter 4 Pipeline Integrity Failure Mechanism
4.1 Studies of Stress/Strain Fields around the Crack Tip Process Zone
4.2 The Pipeline Fracture Behavior Model under HIC Environment
4.3 Fractal Research on Cracks Propagation of Pipes under HIC
Chapter 5 In-line Inspection Practice and Pressure Test Assessment
5.1 Pipeline In-line Inspection (ILl) Technologies and Implementation Program
5.2 ILl Technical Practice and Signal Processing
5.3 Pressure Test Assessment
Chapter 6 Corrosion Assessment Technology and Applications
6.1 Analysis of the Compositons of the Black Powder within Gas Pipelines and Its Preventive Solutions
6.2 Dry Gas Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (DG-ICDA)
6.3 External Corrosion Direct Assessment
6.4 Gas Pipeline Valve Erosion and Life Prediction Technology
6.5 Internal Coating Assessment of In-service Pipeline
6.6 Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Direct Assessment
Chapter 7 Fitness-for-Purpose Assessment Technology and Application
7.1 Analysis and Assessment of the Impact of Explosion Waves on the Cross Section of the Pipeline
7.2 The Possibility Assessment of Pipeline Stress Corrosion Cracking
7.3 Analysis of Pipeline Bucking Caused by External Force
7.4 Safety Assessment of Pipeline Bending Deformation
7.5 Integrity Assessment of the Pipeline Settlement at the Valve Station
7.6 Risk Assessment of Upgraded Local Class
7.7 Defects Assessment of Pipeline Internal Inspection
Chapter 8 Pipeline Weld Image Defect Recognition and Assessment
8.1 Brief
8.2 Verification of Image Edge Detection Technology of Pipeline Weld Based on Multi - operator Fusion
8.3 CLTP Extraction Technology for Pipeline Weld Defect Texture Features of X-Ray Film
8.4 SVM Method on Pipeline Weld Defect Image Recognition Based on CLTP Texture & Shape Feature
Chapter 9 The New Development of PIM and Integrity Assessment
9.1 Pipeline Four-dimensional Management Technology
9.2 Application and Development of Pipeline Integrity Management during the Era of the Internet of Things(IOT)
9.3 Development of the Oil and Gas Station Integrity Management Assessment Techniques
9.4 Integrity Assessment Techniques of High-grade, Full-scale Pipeline Gas Blasting
9.5 Guided Wave Tomography for Quantification of Corrosion Damage in Fluid-filled Pipes
Chapter 10 Case of Pipeline Integrity Assessment Practice
10.1 Introduction
10.2 BGPC Pipeline Integrity Management System Framework
10.3 Practice of Pipeline Integrity Assessment Technology
10.4 Conclusions