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  • 名  称:多元文化视角下的中国科技史研究:第十二届国际中国科学史会议文集(英文版) - 下载地址1
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  The proceedings contain more than 30contributio made by researchehome and abroad at the 12thInternational Conference on the History of Sciencein China (ICHSC).Discussed are the following topics: ①Cross-cultural tra-mission andcomparative studies in science and technology;②Studies inancientChinese literature concerning science, technology andmedicine;③ Traditionaltechnology and non-material heritages in theworld. A number of fields are cov-ered, e.g. the history ofscience, technology, medicine, agriculture and tradi-tionaltechnology. The research pepectives include history, culture,philoso-phy, sociology, anthropology, archeology, and ecology.
PrefaceStanding Firm at Thirty: in Celebration to the 30th Anniveary ofChinese Society for the History of Science and TechnologyDisciplinary Development of the History of Science and Technologyin ChinaConference AddressHistory of Science at the Beginning of the 21 th CenturyConfiguratio Veus Equatio: A Notational DifferenceZhu Shijie's Method of /Four Unknow/ as Ipiration for Wu Wen-TsunThe Combination of Mathematics and Music——The Comparative Study ofthe Origin of the Calculation of Pitch in Ancient China and GreecePythagoreanism in Edo--From ARAI Hakuseki to SAKUMA ShozanAlgorithm and Principles of Division of Fractio in Chinese AncientLiteratureAn Exploration of the Original Sources of Lvlv ZuanyaoOn Delisle's Correspondence to and from China Through the Archivesof the Pads ObservatoryThe Tramission of Western Astrolabe in Late Medieval ChinaTheories of Solar Motion in Chongzhen Lishu, Yuzhi Lixiang Kaochengand Lixiang Kaocheng HoubianThe Vacancy of Error Ideas about the Calculation of the ChineseTraditional CalendarTentative Discussion on E. Diaz and the Influence of Tianwenlue onthe Chinese AstronomyAn New Exploratio of the Origin of Chinese AlchemyThe Making of Quanti XinlunThe Jesuit Joao de Loureiro ( 1717-1791 ) and the Medicinal Plantsof ChinaThe Feuds of the Medical Sects in Republic of China and ColonialModernityInvestigation on Traditional Spinning Wheels and Looms in Ze ZhouRegionTitles and Classificatio of the Ancient Artisa in DunhuangGuo Songtao and the Western Telegram CivilizationOn the Manufacturing Technology of Traditional Curved-Beam Ploughin ChinaStudy on Indigenous Sugar-making Technology in Naman Tun of DaxinCountyBritish Iron and Steel Technology's Trafer in Early Modem EastAsia: The Case of Qingxi Iron Works, China and Kamaishi Iron Works,JapanHow the Government Deal with the Drought from 989 AD to 992 AD inthe Northern Song DynastyTechnologized Science: Representational Theories vs.Epistemological EnginesA Shift in Interests to Science and Technology in the 11th ChinaTraditional Chinese Science Among Vietnamese Minorities:Preliminary ResultsFit Steps of Russian-Chinese Scientific Cooperation Contacts :Pyotr Kozlov's Visit to Beijing in 1925Negative Effects of Patent on Technological Development: ThePepective of the Theory of Modem Technological ProcessThe Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Historyof Science in China

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