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纪念达尔文诞辰200周年国际学术会议论文集 英文版 (美)龙漫远,顾红雅,周忠和 主编 2010年版

  • 名  称:纪念达尔文诞辰200周年国际学术会议论文集 英文版 (美)龙漫远,顾红雅,周忠和 主编 2010年版 - 下载地址1
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纪念达尔文诞辰200周年国际学术会议论文集 英文版
作者: (美)龙漫远,顾红雅,周忠和 主编
出版时间: 2010年版
Opening Speech
Congratulation from MOST of China
Welcome Speech
Contributed Essays
Investigating Evolutionary Radiations
The Earliest Arthropods and Other Animals
Mutationism and the Reproductive Struggle:
A Fresh Evolutionary Synthesis beyond Neodarwinism
Ascent with Modification: Fossil Fishes Witnessed Their Own Group's Adaptation
to the Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the Late Cenozoic
Dynamic Genome Evolution of Oryza - A Genus-Wide Comparative Analysis
Evolution: The Most Important Theory in Biology
Whole-Genome Based Prokaryotic Branches of the Tree of Life
The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event: Finding a Context
Recent Speciation of Cyprinid Fishes in East Asia
Revealed by Molecular Phylogenetics
Evolution of Cis-Regulatory Modules
Natural Selection in New Gene Evolution
Evolutionary Development and Homoplasy of the Middle Ear
in Early Mammal Evolution
The Nearly Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution
On Alternation of Generations in Embryophytic Plants
The Effects of Flower Color Transitions on Diversification Rates in
Morning Glories (Ipomoea subg. Quamoclit, Convolvulaceae)
Evolutionary Theory and the Problem of Change: A Historical Perspective
On the Origin of New Genes
Timing and Modes of Evolution of Eastern Asian - North American Biogeographic
Disitmetions in Seed Plants
The Great Ordovician Biodiversification in South China: A Synopsis
A Neglected Dimension of Evolution and the Origin of Species
Positive Darwinian Selection in Gene Evolution
On Some Examples of Missing Links - Perspectives from Fossil Evidence in China
Abstracts of Oral Presentations
Darwin's Headache, Caused by the Cambrian Explosion
Darwin and the Tree of Life
The Earliest Arthropods and Other Animals
The Eukaryote Tree: Deep Phylogeny and the Evolution of Protist Body Plans
Dynamic Genome Evolution of the Oryza Genomes
Deep Root of the Modem Animal Diversity
Darwin and the Dinosaurs
Global Biogeographic Patterns in "Higher Landbirds"
The Genetic Architecture of a Complex Trait:
What Evolutionary Biology Can Tell Us about Genome-Wide Association Studies
Giant Panda Genomic Data Provide Insight into the Birth-and-Death Process
of Mammalian Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Genes
Early Cretaceous Flowers and the Darwin Mystery
Evolution: The Most Important Theory in Biology
Whole-Genome Based Prokaryotic Branches of the Tree of Life
The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE):
Causes and Consequences of Diversity's Big Bang
The Fast Speciation of Cyprinid Fish in Eastern Asia
Revealed by Molecular Phylogenetic Study
Evolution of the Regulatory Network for Floral Development
Linking Darwinian Mechanisms with the Evolution of Form
Some Problems in Biogeographic Studies in China
The Pattern of New Gene Evolution Shaped by Darwinian Selection
Asymmetry in the Strength of Sexual Antagonism in XY vs. ZW Systems
- Evidence from Whole-Genome Expression
Development and Evolution of the Mammalian Ears
The Evolution of Mammalian Brain - from Darwin's
The Origin to the New Evidence of Mesozoic Mammals
Microevolutionary Processes and Macroevolutionary Patterns of Diversification
in Cichlid Fishes: Lessons from Extremely Young Species Flocks
The Nearly Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution
Evolution of Life Cycle in Land Plants
Are Certain Types of Mutation Used Preferentially in Evolutionary Change?
The History of Evolutionary Thought
Unique Genetic Behavior of Nucleotide Insertion/Deletion in Living Organism
Constraints on Multivariate Evolution
Phylogeography of Plants in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Origin and Functions of New Genes
Early Diversification of Vascular Plants - Evidence from South China
Giant Panda: The Evolutionary Dead-End?
Darwin and Biogeography
Comparative Genomics and the Aftermath of Ancient Polyploidization
Genes and Speciation - 150 Years of Darwin and (nearly) 150 Years of Mendel
On the Eve of the Cambrian Animal Radiation: The Ediacaran Fossil Record and
Its Implications for the Early Evolution of Complex Life Forms and Ecosystems
The Evolution of Theropod Hand
Calibrating the Molecular Clock to Date Species Divergences
QTL Mapping and Genetics Basis of Adaptation
The Great Ordovician Biodiversification in South China: A Synopsis
Domestications of Animals in East Asia
Gene Expression Noise and Evolution
Origin and Early Diversification of Jawed Vertebrates
Selected Photos of the Conference

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