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国外电子信息精品著作 模拟信号和系统 英文影印版 [(美)埃尔汉 著] 2012年版
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作 者: (美)埃尔汉 等编著
出版时间: 2012
《模拟信号和系统(影印版)》介绍了模拟信号与系统的相关内容,从细节上解释了我们日常生活中常用的收音机、电话等设 备交换和处理信息的基本原理。《模拟信号和系统(影印版)》侧重于数学分析和模拟信号处理的设计。《模拟信号和系统(影印版)》是在假设读者对于电路知识不是很熟悉的 基础上编撰的,因此适合的人群很广,本书对于模拟信号与处理的介绍很透彻,是本很有价值的书。
Chapter 0 Analog Signals and Systems-- The Scope and StudyPlan
Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals
1.1 Voltage, Current, and Power
1.2 Kircbhoff's Voltage and Current Laws: KVL and KCL
1.3 Ideal Circuit Elements and Simple Circuit AnalysisExamples
1.4 Complex Numbers
Chapter 2 Analysis of Linear Resistive Circuits
2.1 Resistor Combinations and Source Transformations
2.2 Node-Voltage Method
2.3 Loop-Current Method
2.4 Linearity, Superposition, and Theveuin and NortonEquivalents
2.5 Available Power and Maximum Power Transfer
Chapter 3 Circuits for Signal Processing
3.1 Operational Amplifiers and Signal Arithmetic
3.2 Differentiators and Integrators
3.3 Linearity, Time Invariance, and LTI Systems
3.4 First-Order RC and RL Circuits
3.5 nth-Order LTI Systems
Chapter 4 Phasors and Sinusoidal Steady State
4.1 Phasors, Co-Sinusoids, and Impedance
4.2 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
4.3 Average and Available Power
4.4 Resonance
Chapter 5 Frequency Response H(ω) of LTI Systems
5.1 The Frequency Response H(to) of LTI Systems
5.2 Properties of Frequency Response H (to) of LTI Circuits
5.3 LTI System Response to Co-Sinusoidal Inputs
5.4 LTI System Response to Multifrequency Inputs
5.5 Resonant and Non-Dissipative Systems
Chapter 6 Fourier Series and LTI System Response to Periodic
6.1 Periodic Signals
6.2 Fourier Series
6.3 System Response to Periodic Inputs
Chapter 7 Fourier Transform and LTI System Response to EnergySignals
7.l Fourier Transform Pairs f (t ) ←→ F(to) and TheirProperties
7.2 Frequency-Domain Description of Signals
7.3 LTI Circuit and System Response to Energy Signals
Chapter 8 Modulation and AM Radio
8.1 Fourier Transform Shift and Modulation Properties
8.2 Coherent Demodulation of AM Signals
8.3 Envelope Detection of AM Signals
8.4 Superheterodyne AM Receivers with Envelope Detection
Chapter 9 Convolution, Impulse, Sampling, and Reconstruction
9.1 Convolution
9.2 Impulse δ(t)
9.3 Fourier Transform of Distributions and Power Signals
9.4 Sampling and Analog Signal Reconstruction
9.5 Other Uses of the Impulse
Chapter 10 Impulse Response, Stability, Causality, and LTICSystems
10.1 Impulse Response h(t) and Zero-State Response y(t) =h(t),f(t)
10.2 BIBO Stability
10.3 Causality and LTIC Systems
10.4 Usefulness of Noncausal System Models
10.5 Delay Lines
Chapter 11 Laplace Transform, Transfer Function, and LTIC SystemResponse
11.1 Laplace Transform and its Properties
11.2 Inverse Laplace Transform and PFE
11.3 s-Domain Circuit Analysis
11.4 General Response of LTIC Circuits and Systems
11.5 LTIC System Combinations
Chapter 12 Analog Filters and Low-Pass Filter Design
12.1 Ideal Filters: Distortionless and Nondispersive
12.2 lst- and 2nd-Order Filters
12.3 Low-Pass Butterworth Filter Design
Appendix A Complex Numbers and Functions
A.1 Complex Numbers as Real Number Pairs
A.2 Rectangular Form
A.3 Complex Plane, Polar and Exponential Forms
A.4 More on Complex Conjugate
A.5 Euler's Identity
A.6 Complex-Valued Functions
A.7 Functions of Complex Variables
Appendix B Labs
Lab 1: RC-Circuits
Lab 2: Op-Amps
Lab 3: Frequency Response and Fourier Series
Lab 4: Fourier Transform and AM Radio
Lab 5: Sampling, Reconstruction, and Software Radio
Appendix C Further Reading
作 者: (美)埃尔汉 等编著
出版时间: 2012
《模拟信号和系统(影印版)》介绍了模拟信号与系统的相关内容,从细节上解释了我们日常生活中常用的收音机、电话等设 备交换和处理信息的基本原理。《模拟信号和系统(影印版)》侧重于数学分析和模拟信号处理的设计。《模拟信号和系统(影印版)》是在假设读者对于电路知识不是很熟悉的 基础上编撰的,因此适合的人群很广,本书对于模拟信号与处理的介绍很透彻,是本很有价值的书。
Chapter 0 Analog Signals and Systems-- The Scope and StudyPlan
Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals
1.1 Voltage, Current, and Power
1.2 Kircbhoff's Voltage and Current Laws: KVL and KCL
1.3 Ideal Circuit Elements and Simple Circuit AnalysisExamples
1.4 Complex Numbers
Chapter 2 Analysis of Linear Resistive Circuits
2.1 Resistor Combinations and Source Transformations
2.2 Node-Voltage Method
2.3 Loop-Current Method
2.4 Linearity, Superposition, and Theveuin and NortonEquivalents
2.5 Available Power and Maximum Power Transfer
Chapter 3 Circuits for Signal Processing
3.1 Operational Amplifiers and Signal Arithmetic
3.2 Differentiators and Integrators
3.3 Linearity, Time Invariance, and LTI Systems
3.4 First-Order RC and RL Circuits
3.5 nth-Order LTI Systems
Chapter 4 Phasors and Sinusoidal Steady State
4.1 Phasors, Co-Sinusoids, and Impedance
4.2 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
4.3 Average and Available Power
4.4 Resonance
Chapter 5 Frequency Response H(ω) of LTI Systems
5.1 The Frequency Response H(to) of LTI Systems
5.2 Properties of Frequency Response H (to) of LTI Circuits
5.3 LTI System Response to Co-Sinusoidal Inputs
5.4 LTI System Response to Multifrequency Inputs
5.5 Resonant and Non-Dissipative Systems
Chapter 6 Fourier Series and LTI System Response to Periodic
6.1 Periodic Signals
6.2 Fourier Series
6.3 System Response to Periodic Inputs
Chapter 7 Fourier Transform and LTI System Response to EnergySignals
7.l Fourier Transform Pairs f (t ) ←→ F(to) and TheirProperties
7.2 Frequency-Domain Description of Signals
7.3 LTI Circuit and System Response to Energy Signals
Chapter 8 Modulation and AM Radio
8.1 Fourier Transform Shift and Modulation Properties
8.2 Coherent Demodulation of AM Signals
8.3 Envelope Detection of AM Signals
8.4 Superheterodyne AM Receivers with Envelope Detection
Chapter 9 Convolution, Impulse, Sampling, and Reconstruction
9.1 Convolution
9.2 Impulse δ(t)
9.3 Fourier Transform of Distributions and Power Signals
9.4 Sampling and Analog Signal Reconstruction
9.5 Other Uses of the Impulse
Chapter 10 Impulse Response, Stability, Causality, and LTICSystems
10.1 Impulse Response h(t) and Zero-State Response y(t) =h(t),f(t)
10.2 BIBO Stability
10.3 Causality and LTIC Systems
10.4 Usefulness of Noncausal System Models
10.5 Delay Lines
Chapter 11 Laplace Transform, Transfer Function, and LTIC SystemResponse
11.1 Laplace Transform and its Properties
11.2 Inverse Laplace Transform and PFE
11.3 s-Domain Circuit Analysis
11.4 General Response of LTIC Circuits and Systems
11.5 LTIC System Combinations
Chapter 12 Analog Filters and Low-Pass Filter Design
12.1 Ideal Filters: Distortionless and Nondispersive
12.2 lst- and 2nd-Order Filters
12.3 Low-Pass Butterworth Filter Design
Appendix A Complex Numbers and Functions
A.1 Complex Numbers as Real Number Pairs
A.2 Rectangular Form
A.3 Complex Plane, Polar and Exponential Forms
A.4 More on Complex Conjugate
A.5 Euler's Identity
A.6 Complex-Valued Functions
A.7 Functions of Complex Variables
Appendix B Labs
Lab 1: RC-Circuits
Lab 2: Op-Amps
Lab 3: Frequency Response and Fourier Series
Lab 4: Fourier Transform and AM Radio
Lab 5: Sampling, Reconstruction, and Software Radio
Appendix C Further Reading