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GB 18484-2001 危险废物焚烧污染控制标准 英文版  下载

360book.com  2015-10-11 03:19:24  下载

标 准 编 号:GB 18484-2001
English Name:Pollution control standard for hazardous wastes incineration

标准简介: This Standard specified the site selection principle for hazardous wastes incineration facilities, basic
technical specifications for incineration, the maximum allowable effluent limits for incineration exhaust
pollutants, the disposal rules for incineration residues and corresponding environmental monitoring from
the need of environmental pollution control during the treatment of hazardous wastes incineration.
This Standard is applicable to the design, environmental impact evaluation and acceptance of hazardous
wastes incineration facilities except those for explosive and radioactive wastes, as well as the pollution
control during operation.

上一篇: GB/T 5028-2008 金属材料 薄板和薄带 拉伸应变硬化指数(n值)
下一篇: GB/Z 22203-2008 家用及类似场所用过电流保护断路器的可靠性试
