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现代量子力学(第二版 英文版)2011年版  下载

360book.com  2018-06-13 00:06:08  下载

现代量子力学(第二版 英文版)
Foreword to the First Edition
Preface to the Revised Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
In Memoriam
1 I Fundamental Concepts
 1.1 The Stem-Gerlach Experiment
 1.2 Kets,Bras,and Operators
 1.3 Base Kets and Matrix Representations
 1.4 Measurements,Observables,and the Uncertainty Relations
 1.5 Change of Basis
 1.6 Position,Momentum,and Translation
 1.7 Wave Functions in Position and Momentum Space
2 I Quantum Dynamics
 2.1 Time-Evolution and the Schrodinger Equation
 2.2 TheSchrodingerVersustheHeisenbergHcture
 2.3 Simple Harmonic Oscillator
 2.4 Schrodinger's Wave Equation
 2.5 Elementary Solutions to Schrodinger's Wave Equation
 2.6 Propagatorsand Feynman Path Integrals
 2.7 PotentialsandGaugeTransformations
3 I Theory of Angular Momentum
 3.1 Rotations and Angular-Momentum Commutation Relations
 3.2 Spin Systems and Fhute Rotations
 3.3 S0(3), SU(2), and Euler Rotations
4 Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics
5 Approximation Methods
6 I Scattering Theory
7 Identical Particles
8 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
A Electromaenetic Units
B Brief Summary of Elementary Solutions to Schrodinger's WaveEauation
C Proof of the Angular-Momentum Addition Rule Given by Equation(3.8.38)

上一篇: 流体力学 [齐清兰,霍倩 主编] 2012年版
下一篇: 结构力学 [赵延林 编著] 2011年版
