相对论量子力学 第3版 英文版 作者: W.Greiner 著 出版时间:2003年版 内容简介 本书内容包括:自旋-0粒子用的相对论波动方程;自旋-1/2粒子用的波动方程;Dirac方程的洛伦兹协变性;空间反射下的弦量;Dirac旋量的双直线协变式;能量和自旋用的投影算子;平面Dirac波的波包;外场中的Dirac粒子;双同心Dirac方程;空穴理论;Klein佯 谬;Weyl方程;任意自弦粒子用波动方程;洛伦兹不变性和相对论对称原理。 理论物理专业的大学生、教师、研究生及研究人员,以及广大爱好理论物理学的各方面人士。 目录 1.Relativistic Wave Equation for Spin Particles:The Klein-Goron Equation and its Applications 1.1 The Notaion 1.2 The Klein-Gordon Equation 1.3 The Nonrelativistic Limit 1.4 Free Spin-O Particale 1.5 Energy-Momenturm Tesor of the Klein Gordon Field 1.6 The Klein-Gordon Equation in Schrodiger Form 1.7 Charge Conjugation 1.8 Free Spin-o Particles in the Feshbach-Villars Representation 1.9 The Interaction of a Spin-o Particle with an Electromagnetic Field 1.10 Gauge Invariance of the Coupling 1.11 The Nonrelativistic Limit with Fields 1.12 Interpretation of One-Partcle Operators in Relativistic Qantum Mchanics 1.13 Biographical Notes 2 A Wave Equaton for Spin 1/2 Particles the Dirac Eqation 2.1 Free Motion of a Dirac Partcle 2.2 Single-Partcle Interpretation of the Plane(Free)Dirac Waves 2.3 Nonrelativistic Limit of the Dirac Equation 2.4 Biographical Notes 3 Lorentz Covariance of the Dirac Equation 3.1 Fomultaion of Covariance(Form Invariance) 3.3 Finite Proper Lorentz Transformations 3.2 Conticotn of the Operator for Infinitesmal Lorentz Transformations 3.4 The S Openator for Proper Lorentz Transformations 3.5 The Four-Current Density 3.6 Biographical Notes 4 Spinors Under Spatial Reflection 5 Bilinear Covariants of the Dirac Spinors 5.1 Biographical Notes 6 Antother Way of Constructing Soultons of the Free Dirac Equation Construction by Lorentz Transformations 7 Projection Operators for Energy and Spin 8 Wave Packets of Plane Dirac Waves 9 Dirac Particles in External Fields:Examples and Problems 10 The Two-Centre Dirac Equation 11 The Foldy-Wouthuysen Representation for Free Particles 12 The Hole Theory 13 Kleins Paradox 14 The WeyI Equation-The Neutrino 15 Wave Equations for Particeles with Arbitrary Spins 16 Lorentz Invariance and Relativistic Symmetry Principles Subject Index