非线性振动、动力学系统和矢量场的分叉 英文影印版 作者: [美] J.古肯海默,P.霍姆斯 著 出版时间:2017年版 内容简介 本书是论述动力学系统、分叉理论与非线性振动研究之间接口部分的理论专著,主要讨论以欧氏空间微分流形为相空间,以及常微分方程组和映象集为数学模型的问题。本书初版于1983年,本版是2002第7次修订版,该书出版三十余年来倍受读者欢迎,是混沌动力学的经典教材。 目录 CHAPTER 1 Introduction: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 1.1 Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions 1.1 The Linear System x = Ax 1.2 Flows and Invariant Subspaces 1.3 The Nonlinear System x = f (x) 1.4 Linear and Nonlinear Maps 1.5 Closed Orbits, Poincare Maps.and Forced Oscillations 1.6 Asymptotic Behavior 1.7 Equivalence Relations and Structural Stability 1.8 Two-Dimensional Flows 1.9 Peixoto's Theorem for Two-Dimensional Flows
CHAPTER 2 An Introduction to Chaos: Four Examples 2.1 Van der Pol's Equation 2.2 Duffing's Equaiion 2.3 The Lorenz Equations 2.4 The Dynamics of a Bouncing Ball 2.5 Conclusions: The Moral of the Tales
CHAPTER 3 Local Bifurcations 3.1 BiFurcation Problems 3.2 Center Manifolds 3.3 Normal Forms 3.4 Codimension One Bifurcations of Equilibria 3.5 Codimension One Bifurcations of Maps and Periodic Orbits
CHAPTER 4 Averaging and Perturbation from a Geometric Viewpoint 4.1 Averaging and Poincare Maps 4.2 Examples of Averaging 4.3 Averaging and Local Bifurcations 4.4 Averaging, Hamikonian Systems, and Global Behavior: Cautionary Notes 4.5 Melnikov's Method: Perturbations of Planar Homoclinic Orbits 4.6 Melnikov's Method: Perturbations of Hamiltonian Systems and Subharmonic Orbits 4.7 Stability or Subharmonic Orbits 4.8 Two Degree of Freedom Hamiltonians and Area Preserving Maps of the Plane
CHAPTER 5 Hyperbolic Sets, Symbolic Dynamics, and Strange Attractors 5.0 Introduction 5.1 The Smale Horseshoe: An Example of a Hyperbolic Limit Set 5.2 Invariant Sets and Hyperbolicity 5.3 Markov Partitions and Symbolic Dynamics 5.4 Strange Auractors and the Stability Dogma 5.5 Structurally Stable Attractors 5.6 One-Dimensional Evidence for Strange Attractors 5.7 The Geometric Lorenz Attractor 5.8 Statistical Properties: Dimension, Entropy, and Liapunov Exponents
CHAPTER 6 Global Bifurcations 6.1 Saddle Connections 6.2 Rotation Numbers 6.3 Bifurcations or One-Dimensional Maps 6.4 The Lorenz Bifurcations 6.5 Homoclinic Orbits in Three-Dimensional Flows: Silnikov's Example 6.6 Homoclinic aifurcations of Periodic Orbits 6.7 Wild Hyperbolic Sets 68 Renormalization and Universality
CHAPTER 7 Local Codimension Two Bifurcations of Flows 7.1 Degeneracy in Higher-Order Terms 7.2 A Note on k-Jets and Determinacy 7.3 The Double Zero Eigenvalue 7.4 A Pure Imaginary Pair and a Simple Zero Eigenvalue 7.5 Two Pure Imaginary Pairs of Eigenvalues without Resonance 7.6 Applicaiions to Large Systems APPENDIX Suggestions for Further Reading Postscript Added at Second Printing Glossary References Index