中国玉(汉英对照) 出版时间:2011年版 容简介 中国人自古就崇玉、尚玉、佩玉、赏玉、藏玉,玉在中国人的心目中是美的化身。历代制玉者精雕细琢,把玉的质地美、色泽美和功用相结合,塑造了众多精美绝伦的玉器。本书介绍了中国玉的历史、文化内涵、品种、造型、纹饰、鉴赏等知识,带领读者领略中国玉文化的独特魅力。It has long become a tradition for Chinese to exalt jade to a highposition through worship, adornment, appreciation and collection.Jade is the incarnation of beauty in the eyes of Chinese. Jadecraftsmen through the ages, combining jade’s beauty of texture,color and luster with its function, have created numerous exquisitejade objects by carving and polishing in a meticulous way. Thisbook introduces Chinese jade’s history, culture, types, shape,pattern and knowledge of appreciation, impelling the readers totaste the unique charm of Chinese jade culture. 目录 中国有美玉 Beautiful Jade in China 001 从女娲补天的传说说起 From the Chinese Myth: Nüwa Mending the Heaven 002 玉的象征 The Symbol of Jade 043 玉之美 The Beauty of Jade 059 名玉之美 The Beauty of Famous Jade 060 造型之美 The Beauty of Shape 085 纹饰之美 The Beauty of Pattern 132 选玉技巧 The Skills to Choose a Jade Article 149 如何选购古玉 How to Buy an Antique Jade Article 150 如何选购现代玉 How to Buy a Modern Jade Article 167 附录 Appendix 179 玉器盘玩注意事项 Some Tips on Jades Treatment 179 玉器保养注意事项 Tips on Jades Preservation 182