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表面等离子激元现代导论:理论、Mathematica建模与应用(英文影印版)  下载

360book.com  2019-04-03 17:38:38  下载

description of grating code (See the online supplemental material at www.cambridge.org/ 9780521767170.) 10.10 Exercises References11 Plasmonic materials 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Real metals 11.3 Drude metals 11.4 Summary 11.5 Exercises References12 Applications 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Measuring the optical constants of metals 12.3 Chemical and biological sensors 12.4 Near-field microscopy 12.5 Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy 12.6 Nonlinear optics 12.7 Heat-assisted magnetic recording 12.8 Nanophotonics 12.9 Cancer detection and treatment 12.10 Other applications 12.11 Summary 12.12 Exercises ReferencesAppendix A A. 1 Finite-difference time-domain method A.2 Poynting vector and local power flow References Index

上一篇: 理论物理学教程·第4卷:量子电动力学 第四版
下一篇: 超导百年(英文版)
