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超导百年(英文版)  下载

360book.com  2019-04-03 17:38:38  下载

  《Superconductivity Centennial(超导百年)(英文版)》涵盖了高温超导发展过程中华人的重要贡献。具体包括国际上最先报导的液氮温度以上90K转变温度的Y系高温超导体的研究,至今仍保持是超导转变温度的世界纪录的工作,配对对称性研究,NMR研究,d波对称性谱的研究,超导能隙的测量,微观电子不均匀性的研究,ARPES的研究,“Kinks”研究等对于高温超导铜氧化物的研究。同时,本书还收录了关于铁基超导的研究。为了凝聚态物性的全面介绍,本书还加进了对高温超导体热力学性质、低温热输运及Raman谱的研究的内容。此外,本书还包括了理论研究方面的重要内容,包括铁基材料磁性和超导电性的计算研究,凝聚量子相中的非对角长程序,CuO2平面中空穴掺杂建立的氧位的自旋涨落导致超导态等研究。本书适合凝聚态物理、材料科学、光学等领域的科研工作者和研究生阅读。
1 Superconductivity at 93K in a New Mixed-Phase Y-Ba-Cu-OCompound System at Ambient Pressure
2 Superconductivity above Liquid Nitrogen Temperature inBa-Y-Cu Oxides
3 Superconductivity above 130K in the Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O System4 Pairing Symmetry and Flux Quantization in a Tricrystal
Superconducting Ring of YBa2Cu3O7-δ
5 NMR Study of Local Hole Distribution, Spin Fluctuation andSuperconductivity in Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10
6 Spectroscopic Evidence for a Pseudogap in the NormalState of Underdoped High-Tc Superconductors
7 Incommensurate Magnetic Fluctuations in YBa2Cu3O6.6
8 Microscopic Electronic Inhomogeneity in the High-TcSuperconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x
9 Magnetism and Superconductivity in the 122 Family ofIron-Pnictide Superconductors
10 Superconductivity at 41 K and Its Competition with Spin-Density-Wave Instability in Layered CeO1.xFxFeAs
11 Effect of a Zn Impurity on Iron-based Superconductors and theSuperconducting Pairing Symmetry
12 Very-Low-Temperature Heat Transport of High-TemperatureSuperconductors
13 Off-Diagonal Long Range Order in Emergent Quantum Phases
14 Superconductivity of Cuprates - A Phenomenon of StrongCorrelation of Electrons
15 Superconductivity at 43 K in SmFeAsO1.xFx
16 Superconductivity at 55K in Iron-Based F-Doped LayeredQuaternary Compound Sm[O1.xFx]FeAs
17 Anomalously Large Gap Anisotropy in the a-b Plane ofBi2Sr2CaCu208+δ
18 Identification of a New Form of Electron Coupling in theBi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Superconductor by Laser-Based Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
19 Specific-Heat Measurement of a Residual Superconducting State inthe Normal State of Underdoped Bi2Sr2.xLaxCuO6+δCuprate Superconductors
20 A Brief Overview on Raman Scattering in CuprateSuperconductors

上一篇: 表面等离子激元现代导论:理论、Mathematica建模与应用(英文影印版)
下一篇: CP不守恒
