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海军工程大学涉外丛书 舰艇电路原理 单潮龙,钟斌 主编 2018年版  下载

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海军工程大学涉外丛书 舰艇电路原理
作者: 单潮龙,钟斌 主编
丛编项: 海军工程大学涉外丛书
Chapter 1 Circuit Model and Kirchhoff's laws
1.1 Circuit and Circuit Model
1.2 Voltage and Current and Their Reference Direction
1.3 Kirchhoff's Laws
1.4 Passive Circuit Elements
1.5 Active Circuit Elements
1.6 Example of Computer-Aided Analysis of Circuits

Chapter 2 Equivalent Resistive Circuits
2.1 The Equivalent Circuit of One-Port Network
2.2 Equivalent Resistance of Passive One-Port Networks
2.3 Delta-to-Wye Equivalent Circuits
2.4 Equivalent Simplification of Active One-Port Networks
2.5 Equivalent Simplification of Controlled Source Circuit
2.6 Example of Computer-Aided Analys of Circuits

Chapter 3 Systematic Analysis of Circuits
3.1 The Basic Concept of Graph Theory
3.2 2b Method and Branch Analysis Method
3.3 Loop Analysis and Mesh Analysis
3.4 Node Analysis and Modified Node Analysis
3.5 Example of Computer-Aided Analysis of Circuits

Chapter 4 Circuit Theorems
4.1 Superposition Theorem
4.2 Substitution Theorem
4.3 Thevenin's Theorem and Norton's Theorem
4.4 Tellegen's Theorem and Reciprocity Theorem
4.5 Computer-Aided Analysis of Circuits

Chapter 5 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
5.1 The Basic Concept of Sinusoidal Quantity
5.2 Phasor Representation of Sinusoidal Quantity
5.3 Kirehhoff's Laws and VCR in Phasor Form
5.4 Impedance and Admittance
5.5 Analysis of Sinusoidal AC Circuit
5.6 Power in Sinusoidal AC Circuit
5.7 Examples of Computer-Aided Analysis of Circuits

Chapter 6 Magnetically Coupled Circuits
6.1 Mutual Inductance and VCR of the Coupled Inductor
6.2 Analysis of Coupled Inductor Circuit
6.3 Air-Core Transformer and Ideal Transformer
6.4 Examples of Computer-Aided Circuit Analysis with Matlab

Chapter 7 Resonant Circuit Analysis
7.1 Series Resonant Circuit
7.2 Parallel Resonant Circuit
7.3 Examples of Computer Aided Circuit Analysis

Chapter 8 Three-Phase Circuits
8.1 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits
8.2 Unbalanced Three-Phase Circuits
8.3 Power of Three-Phase Circuits

Chapter 9 First-Order Circuits
9.1 The Basic Concept and Circuit Switching Rule
9.2 Zero-Input Response of First-Order Circuit
9.3 Zero-State Response of First-Order Circuit
9.4 Short-Cut Method for Complete Response of First-Order Circuit
9.5 Step Response and Impulse Response of First Order Circuit
Appendix A Experiment
Appendix B Reference Answers for Partial Exercises

上一篇: 海上新世界 近代日本的欧洲航路纪行 (日)和田博文 著 2018年版
下一篇: 海怪:欧洲古《海图》异兽图考 (美)约瑟夫 尼格 著 2017年版
