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现代航空电子系统与综合  下载

360book.com  2019-07-30 06:53:09  下载

  本套教材是根据教育部2009年颁布的《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》编写的。本书为学生用书上册,由十二个单元组成,每个单元一个主题,如“Meeting People”、“How can I get to the nearest supermarket?”、“I had a good summer holiday.”、“You don’t look well”等,内容由简及难、贴近学生生活。在每个单元的内容安排上,注重实用性和趣味性相结合,安排了Warm up、Listening and Speaking、Pronunciation、Reading and Writing、Grammar Focus、Have Fun和Review七个部分。
2 What is the date of the World Cup?
3 Can you dance and sing?
4 Milk or coffee?
5 How much is the hat?
6 How can I get to the nearest supermarket?
7 I had a good summer holiday
8 I saw a terrible movie.
9 Why Am I Gaining Weight?
10 We should take a vacation
11 Everything is made in China!
12 You don’t look well

上一篇: 航空电子设备 第三版
下一篇: 消失的航班 [时影 杨雷 著] 2014年版
