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电磁学和场的计算 第2版 英文版 Nathan Ida,Joao P.A.Bastos著 1999年版  下载

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电磁学和场的计算 第2版 英文版
作者: Nathan Ida,Joao P.A.Bastos著
出版时间: 1999年版
目  录
PartⅠ.The Electromagnetic Field and Maxwell's Equations
 1. Mathematical Preliminaries
  1.1. Introduction
  1.2. The Vector Notation
  1.3. Vector Derivation
   1.3.1. The Nabla (V) Operator
   1.3.2. DefinitionoftheGradient, Div rgence, and Curl
  1.4. TheGradient
   1.4.1. Example of Gradient
  1.5. The Divergence
   1.5.1. Defmition of Flux
   1.5.2. The Divergence Theorem
   1.5.3. Conservative Flux
   1.5.4. Example of Divergence
  1.6. TheCurl
   1.6.1. Circulation of a Vector
   1.6.2. Stokes'Theorem
   1.6.3. Example of Curl
  1.7. Second Order Operators
  1.8. Application of Operators to More than One Function
  1.9. Expressions in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
 2. The Electromagnetic Field and Maxwell's Equations
  2.1. Introduction
  2.2. Maxwell's Equations
   2.2.1. Fundamental Physical Principles ofthe Electromagnetic Pield
   2.2.2. Point Form of the Equations
   2.2.3. The Equations in Vacuum
   2.2.4. The Equations in Media with and
   2.2.5. The Equations in General Media
   2.2.6. The Integral Form ofMaxwell's Equations
  2.3. Approximations to Maxwell's Equations
  2.4. Units
 3 Electrostatic Fields
  3.1. Introduction
  3.2. The Electrostatic Charge
   3.2.1. The Electric Field
   3.2.2. Force on an Electric Charge
   3.2.3. The Electric Scalar Potential V
  3.3. Nonconservative Fields: Electromotive Force
  3.4. RefractionoftheElectricField
  3.5. Dielectric Strength
  3.6. The Capacitor
   3.6.1. Defmition of Capacitance
   3.6.2. Energy Stored in a Capacitor
   3.6.3. Energy in a Static, Conservative Fie 1
  3.7. Laplace's and Poisson's Equations in Tem of the Electric Field
  3.8. Examples
   3.8.1. The Infmite Charged Line
   3.8.2. The Charged Spherical Half-Shell
   3.8.3. The Spherical Capacitor
   3.8.4. The Spherical Capacitor with Two Dielectric Layers
  3.9. A Brief Introduction to the Finite Element Method: Solution of the Two-Dimensional Laplace Equation
   3.9.1. The Finite Element Technique for Division of a Domain
   3.9.2. The Variational Method
   3.9.3. A Finite Element Program
   3.9.4. Example for Use of the Finite Element Program
  3.10. Tables of Permittivities, Dielectric Strength, and Conductivities
 4. Magnetostatic Fields
  4.1. Introduction
  4.2. Maxwell's Equations in Magnetostatics
   4.2.1. The Equation
   4.2.2. The Equation
   4.2.3. The Equation
 5. Magnetodynamic Fields
 6. Interaction between Electromagnetic and Mechanical Forces
 7. Wave Propagation and High-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields
PartⅡ.Introduction to the Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics
 8. Introduction to the Finite Element Method
 9. The Variational Finite Element Method:Some Static Applications
 10. Galerkin's Residual Method: Applications to Dynamic Fields
 11. Hexahedral Edge Elements - Some 3D Applications
 12. Computational Aspects in Finite Element
 13. General Organization of Field Computation Software
Subject Index

上一篇: 电磁学 第4版 赵凯华,陈熙谋 编著 2018年版
下一篇: 电荷 (苏)约飞 著 唐海译 1950年版
