数据与计算机通信(第八版 英文版) 出版时间:2011年版 内容简介 《数据与计算机通信(第8版)(英文版)》是著名计算机专业作家william stallings的经典著作之一,内容涉及最基本的数据通信原理、各种类型的计算机网络及多种网络协议和应用。这一版对原有内容做了彻底的修订和重组,使新版对通信各专题的阐述更全面、更清晰。同时,新版更新了吉比特以太网、10 gbps以太网的内容,对wifi/ieee 802.11无线局域网、性能监控、服务水平约定、服务质量等根据新的标准进行了修订。此外,《数据与计算机通信(第8版)(英文版)》还涉及tcp tahoe、reno以及new reno拥塞控制算法的描述,对多媒体组网的内容也进行了扩充。每章都附有习题和建议,以便读者进一步阅读。《数据与计算机通信(第8版)(英文版)》可供通信或计算机、信息技术专业的本科生或研究生使用,同时也可供广大通信或计算机领域相关人员参考。 目录 part one overview chapter 1 data communications, data networking, and the internet 1.1 data communications and networking for today's enterprise 1.2 a communications model 1.3 data communications 1.4 networks 1.5 the internet 1.6 an example configuration chapter 2 protocol architecture, tcp/ip, and internet-based applications 2.1 the need for a protocolarchitecture 2.2 thetcp/ip protocolarchitecture 2.3 the osi model 2.4 standardization within a protocol architecture 2.5 traditional internet-based applications 2.6 multimedia 2.7 recommended reading 2.8 problems appendix 2a the trivial file transfer protocol part two data communications chapter 3 data transmission 3.1 concepts and terminology 3.2 analog and digital data transmission 3.3 transmission impairments 3.4 channel capacity 3.5 recommended reading 3.6 problems appendix 3a decibels and signal strength chapter 4 transmission media 4.1 guided transmission media 4.2 wireless transmission 4.3 wireless propagation 4.4 line-of-sight transmission 4.5 recommended reading 4.6 problems chapter 5 signal encoding techniques 5.1 digital data, digital signals 5.2 digital data,analog signals 5.3 analog data, digital signals 5.4 analog data, analog signals 5.5 recommended reading 5.6 problems chapter 6 digital data communication techniques 6.1 asynchronous and synchronous transmission 6.2 types of errors 6.3 error detection 6.4 error correction 6.5 lille configurations 6.6 recommended reading 6.7 problems chapter 7 data link control protocols 7.1 flow control 7.2 error control 7.3 high-level dta link control (hdc) 7.4 recommended reading 7.5 problems appendix 7a performance issues chapter 8 multiplexing 8.1 frequency-dvision multiplexing 8.2 synchronoustime-division multiplexing 8.3 statisticaltime-dvision multiplexing 8.4 asymmetric digital subscriber line 8.5 xdsl 8.6 recommended reading 8.7 problems chapter 9 spread spectrum 9.1 the concept of spread spectrum 9.2 frequency hopping spread spectrum 9.3 direct sequence spread spectrum 9.4 code-division multiple access 9.5 rcommended reading 9.6 problems part three wide area networks chapter 10 circuit switching and packet switching 10.1 switched communications networks 10.2 circuit switching networks 10.3 circuit switching concepts 10.4 softswitch architecture 10.5 packet-switching principles 10.6 x.25 10.7 frame relay 10.8 recommended reading 10.9 problems chapter 11 asynchronous transfer mode 11.1 protocolarchitecture 11.2 atm logical connections 11.3 atm cells 11.4 transmission of atm cells 11.5 atm service categories 11.6 recommended reading 11.7 problems chapter 12 routing in switched networks 12.1 routing in packet-switching networks 12.2 examples: routing in arpanet 12.3 least-cost algorithms 12.4 recommended reading 12.5 problems chapter 13 congestion control in data networks 13.1 effects of congestion 13.2 congestion control 13.3 traffic management 13.4 congestion control in packet-switching networks 13.5 frame relay congestion control 13.6 atm traffic management 13.7 atm-gfr traffic management 13.8 recommended reading 13.9 problems chapter 14 cellular wireless networks 14.1 principles of cellular networks 14.2 first generation analog 14.3 second generation cdma 14.4 third generation systems 14.5 recommended reading 14.6 problems part four local area networks chapter 15 local area network overview 15.1 background 15.2 topologies and transmission media 15.3 lan protocol architecture 15.4 bridges 15.5 layer 2 and layer 3 switches 15.6 recommended reading 15.7 problems chapter 16 high-speed lans 16.1 the emergence of high-speed lans 16.2 ethernet 16.3 fibre channel 16.4 recommended reading 16.5 problems appendix 16a digital signal encoding for lans appendix 16b performance issues appendix 16c scrambling chapter 17 wireless lans 17.1 overview 17.2 wireless lan technology 17.3 ieee 802.11 architecture and services 17.4 ieee 802.11 medium access control 17.5 ieee 802.11physical layer 17.6 ieee 802.11 security considerations 17.7 recommended reading 17.8 problems part five internet and transport protocols chapter 18 internetwork protocols 18.1 basic protocol functions 18.2 principles oflnternetworking 18.3 internet protocol operation 18.4 internet protocol 18.5 ipv6 18.6 virtual private networks and ip security 18.7 recommended reading 18.8 problems chapter 19 internetwork operation 19.1 multicasting 19.2 routing protocols 19.3 integrated services architecture 19.4 differentiated services 19.5 service level agreements 19.6 ip performance metrics 19.7 recommended reading 19.8 problems chapter 20 transport protocols 20.1 connection-oriented transport protocol mechanisms 20.2 tcp 20.3 tcp congestion control 20.4 udp 20.5 recommended reading 20.6 problems part six internet applications chapter 21 network security 21.1 security requirements and attacks 21.2 confidentiality with conventional encryption 21.3 message authentication and hash functions 21.4 public-key encryption and digital signatures 21.5 secure socket layer and transport layer security 21.6 ipv4 and ipv6 security 21.7 wi-fi protected access 21.8 recommended reading 21.9 problems chapter 22 internet applications--electronic mail and network management 22.1 electronic mail: smtp and mime 22.2 network management: snmp 22.3 recommended reading 22.4 problems chapter 23 internet applications--internet directory service and world wide web 23.1 internet directory service: dns 23.2 web access: http 23.3 recommended reading 23.4 problems chapter 24 internet applications--multimedia 24.1 audio andvideo compression 24.2 real-time traffic 24.3 voice over ip and multimedia support--sip 24.4 real-time transport protocol (rtp) 24.5 recommended reading 24.6 problems appendices appendix projects and other student exercises for teaching data and computer communications a.1 practical exercises a.2 sockets projects a.3 ethereal projects a.4 simulation and modeling projects g a.5 performance modeling a.6 research projects a.7 reading/report assignments a.8 writing assignments a.9 discussion topics references index
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