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针灸学 英文版 方剑乔 主编 2014年版  下载

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针灸学 英文版
作者:方剑乔 主编
  Aside from fulfilling a traditional Chinese medicine course requirement in university, what is the point of writing a book in introducing Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion? We believe that acupuncture underlies the most important and advanced learning which is capable of collecting new knowledge and clinical applications based on the classic TCM theories. In this book, we tried to find the most effective ways to present acupuncture concepts, both to those students major in science of acupuncture and moxibustion and to those who take acupuncture as the basis for their lifetime work.
CHAPTER 1 General Introduction to Meridians and Collaterals
Section 1 Composition of the System of Meridians and Collaterals
Section 2 Biao, Ben, Gen, Jie of the Meridians, Qi Thoroughfare and Four Seas
Section 3 Physiological Functions of the Meridian System and Clinical Application of the Theory of Meridian
CHAPTER 2 General Introduction to Acupoints
Section 1 Development, Classification and Nomenclature of Acupoints
Section 2 Effects of Acupoints
Section 3 Specific Points
Section 4 Methods of Locating Acupoints
CHAPTER 3 Respective Introduction to Meridians and Acupoints
Section 1 Twelve Regular Meridians and Their Acupoints
Ⅰ. Lung Meridian of Hand - Taiyin
Ⅱ. Large Intestine Meridian of Hand - Yangming
Ⅲ. Stomach Meridian of Foot - Yangming
Ⅳ. Spleen Meridian of Foot - Taiyin
Ⅴ. Heart Meridian of Hand - Shaoyin
Ⅵ. Small Intestine Meridian of Hand - rraiyang
Ⅶ. Bladder Meridian of Foot - Taiyang
Ⅷ. Kidney Meridian of Foot -Shaoyin
Ⅸ. Pericardium Mericlian of Hand -Jueyin
Ⅹ. Triple Energizer Meridian of Hand - Shaoyang
Ⅺ. Gallbladder Meridian of Foot - Shaoyang
Ⅻ. Liver Meridian of Foot -Jueyin
Section 2 The Eight Extra Meridians
Ⅰ. Governor Vessel
Ⅱ. Conception Vessel
Ⅲ. Thoroughfare Vessel
Ⅳ. Belt Vessel
Ⅴ. Yin Link Vessel
Ⅵ. Yang Link Vessel
Ⅶ. Yin Heel Vessel
Ⅷ. Yang Heel Vessel
Section 3 Fifteen Collaterals
Section 4 Commonly - used Extraordinary Points
Ⅰ. The Points of Head and Neck
Ⅱ. The Points of Chest and Abdomen
Ⅲ. The Points of Back
Ⅳ. The Poirns of Upper Extremities
Ⅴ. The Points of Lower Extremities
Chapter 4 Manipulating Techniques with Filiform Needle
Section 1 Structure, Specification and Examination of Filiform Needle
Section 2 Needling Practice
Section 3 Selection of Filiform Needles and Sterilization
Section 4 Posture of the Patient
Section 5 Manipulations oflnserting Needle
Section 6 Manipulations of Needling Techniques
Section 7 Getting Qi
Section 8 Reinforcing and Reducing Methods
Section 9 Retaining and withdrawing the Needle
Section 10 Prevention and Management of Possible Accidents in Puncturing
Section 11 Precautions in Acupuncture Treatment
Chapter 5 Moxibustion
Section 1 Functions of Moxibustion
Section 2 Classification and Application of Moxibustion
Section 3 Precautions, Contraindications and Management of Moxibustion
Chapter 6 Other Acupuncture Therapies
Section 1 Cupping Therapy
Section 2 Three -edged Needle Therapy
Section 3 Cutaneous Needle Therapy
Section 4 Intradermal Needle Therapy
Section 5 Electroacupuncture Therapy
Section 6 Point Injection Therapy
Chapter 7 Scalp Acupuncture
Section I Locations and Indications of the Standard Lines
Section 2 Manipulations
Section 3 Indications and Precautions of Scalp Acupuncture
Chapter 8 Ear Acupuncture
Section 1 Relations Between the Auricle and Zang - fu Organs and Meridians

上一篇: 针灸锦囊妙“技” 朱现明,胡兴旺,李鸿章 等主编 2010年版
下一篇: 齐鲁针灸医籍集成 现代 Ⅱ 校注版 张永臣,贾红玲 2017年版
