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中国卫生年鉴 2011 英文版 《中国卫生年鉴》编辑委员会 编 2013年版  下载

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中国卫生年鉴 2011 英文版
作者:《中国卫生年鉴》编辑委员会 编
出版时间: 2013年版
  This book is for educational and reference purposes only.In view of the possibility of human errors or changes in medical science,neither the author,editor nor the publisher nor any other party who has been involved in the preparation or publication of this work guarantees that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete.The medicinal therapy and treatment techniques presented in this book are provided for the purpose of referencem only.If readers wish to attempt any of the techniques or utilize any of the medicinal therapies conmined in this book,the publisher assumes no responsibility for any of such actions.It is the responsibility of the readers to tmderstand and adhere to local laws and regulations concerning the practice of these techniques and methods.The authors,editors and publishers disclaim all responsibility for any liability,loss,injury,or damage incurred as a consequence,directly or indirectly,ofthe use and application ofany ofthe contents ofthis book.
Part 1 Significant Reportsin Conference
Part 2 Policy and Statute
Part 3 Progress of Work
Part 4 Records of Health Work
Part 5 Statistics of China's Health Work in 2010

上一篇: 针灸传世经典 国医大师贺普仁临床点评丛书 针灸节要 贺普仁 主编 2013年版
下一篇: 中华名医医案集成 儿科医案 罗和古,杜少辉,曾令真,余更新,李新民主编 2015年版
