醫史記聞 Records of Medical History 醫分四科 Doctors Divided into Four Specialized Fields 茹毛飲血 Eating Animal Flesh Raw and Drinking Its Blood 淫生六疾 Excess Leads to Six Diseases 鑽木取火,以化腥臊 Drilling Wood for Fire to Remove the Offensive Smell 舞以導滯 To Inspire Activity and Boost Energy Through Dancing 樂調陰陽 Regulating the Yin Qi and Yang Qi with Music 神農嘗百草 Shennong Tasting Various Herbs 祝由 Prayers as Cure 扁鵲“六不治” Bian Ques “Six Incurables” Theory 緹縈救父 Tiying Saving Her Father 程姬之疾 Lady Chengs Sickness 相如消渴 Xiangru?s Consumptive Thirst 酒爲百藥之長 Liquor Is the Best Medicine 蜜煎通便 Processing Honey to Treat Constipation 五禽之戲 Wuqinxi (Five-animal Exercises) 華佗遇難 目 録 Contents The Death of Hua Tuo 南陽菊潭 The Valley with Chamomile Water 同心連理 The Twins Who Shared One Heart 郭玉“四難” Guo Yus Four Challenges 曹丕弈棋,毒殺曹彰 Cao Pi Poisoned Cao Zhang While Playing Chess 藥祖桐君 Tong Jun, the Master of Medicinal Herbs 執柄者之恚 The Rage of the Power-holder 人有義聲,賣藥宋清 The Reputable Medicine Merchant, Song Qing 獻方釋罪 Sharing a Secret Formula to Atone for One?s Crime 太子爲唐太宗吮癰 The Prince Sucking Pus for the Emperor 奇疾 Unusual Afflictions and Conditions 蘇合香酒 Storax Wine 湯、散、丸藥 Decoction, Powders and Pellets 漢代釀酒 Wine-making in the Han Dynasty 感冒 Origin of the Word for“Catching Cold” 岐黄論醫 Qi Bo and the Yellow Emperor Discussing Medicine 嗜食檳榔 Areca-nut Addiction 梨酒 Pear Wine 朱丹溪“倒倉論” The “Emptying the Barn” Theory 儒醫不分 Confucianists and Chinese Doctors 酒辟霧瘴 Drinking Wine to Protect the Body from the Harm of Dampness 方之祖始於仲景 Zhongjing , the Father of TCM Formula 方之解始於成無己 The First Person Who Annotated Zhang?s Formulas 外治調攝, 無日不在 The Ubiquitous External Treatments 醫林改錯 Correcting Errors in Medical Writings 奇方異案 Unusual Cases and Unconventional Treatments 華佗癒躄 Hua Tuo Cured a Cripple 寒水百灌 Taking One Hundred Cold Showers 蠐螬炙 Baked Insects 筆針破癰 Puncturing Carbuncle with a Calligraphy Brush 狄公針瘤 Treating Tumor with Acupuncture 治針道士 A Daoist Acupuncture Master 安常神針 The Miraculous Needle 嗜食竹鷄 Disastrous Diet Choice 啖梨癒風 Eating Pears as Medicine 紅花薰蒸救産婦 Steaming Saffron Saves Life 掘土爲坎癒痿躄 A Life-saving Pit 螺利二便 River Snails Used as Purgative 兒寐不寤 A Baby Who Did Not Awake 喻嘉言一針救二命 One Needle Saving Two Lives 桐油滯解菱角積 Chinese Wood Oil Used to Promote Digestion 老醫少卜 Best Fortune-tellers Are the Young Ones, and Best Doctors the Elderly 鴨涎巧癒螺梗喉 The Magical Effects of Duck Saliva 解叔謙藤酒療親 A Filial Son Seeking Treatment for His Mother 松蘿茶解猪頭 Usnea Tea Detoxifying Greasy Food 鵝血治噎 Goose Blood as Treatment for Choking 妙女變男結良緣 A Fake Lady?s Legend 諷喻世情Allegories Related to Medical Treatments 不死之道 The Approach to Immortality 不死之藥 The Medicine of Immortality 臍中納李 Plums in the Belly Button 吞符致疾 The Disease of a Daoist Follower 三屍蟲 Three Worms I