哈里森心血管病学 英文版 作者:(美)洛斯卡奥编写 出版时间:2011年版 内容简介 《哈里森内科学》是一部内科学经典名著,享有“内科学著作之父”的美誉。本书为《哈里森内科学》系列之《哈里森心血管病学》分册,本书强调基础与临床的整合,汇集了本领域内最新的进展,不但内容具有权威性和先进性,而且语言规范、地道。无论是临床医生、教师还是医学生,有这样一本原版经典专著放在案头,经常翻阅,不但可以获取医学知识,对提高专业外语水平也大有裨益。 目录 Contributors Preface SECTION I INTRODUCTION TO CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS 1 Basic Biology of the Cardiovascular System 2 Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease 3 Approach to the Patient with Possible SECTION II DIAGNOSIS OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS 4 Chest Discomfort 5 Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema 6 Hypoxia and Cyanosis 7 Edema 8 Palpitations 9 Physical Examination of the Cardiovascular System 10 Approach to the Patient with a Heart Murmur 11 Electrocardiography 12 Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging: Echocardiography,NuclearCardiology, and MP,I/CT Imaging 13 Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization and Angiography SECTION III HEART RHYTHM DISTURBANCES 14 Principles ofElectrophysiology 15 The Bradyarrhythmias 16 The Tachyarrhythmias SECTION IV DISORDERS OF THE HEART 17 Heart Failure and Cor Pulmonale 18 Cardiac Transplantation and Prolonged AssistedCirculation 19 Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult 20 Valvular Heart Disease 21 Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis 22 Pericardial Disease 23 Tumors and Trauma of the Heart 24 Cardiac Manifestations of Systemic Disease 25 Infective Endocarditis 26 Acute Rheumatic Fever 27 Chagas' Disease 28 Cardiogenic Shock and Pulmonary Edema 29 Cardiovascular Collapse, Cardiac Arrest, and SuddenCardiac Death SECTION V DISORDERS OF THE VASCULATURE 30 The Pathogenesis, Prevention, and 31 Disorders of Lipoprotein Metabolism 32 The Metabolic Syndrome 33 Ischemic Heart Disease 34 Unstable Angina and Non-ST-Elevation MyocardialInfarction 35 ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction 36 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 87 HypertensiveVascular Disease 38 Diseases of the Aorta 39 Vascular Diseases of the Extremities 40 Pulmonary Hypertension SECTION VI CARDIOVASCULAR ATLASES 41 Atlas of Electrocardiography 42 Atlas of Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging 43 Atlas of Cardiac Arrhythmias 44 Atlas of Percutaneous Revascularization Appendix Review and Self-Assessment Index
上一篇: 静脉血栓栓塞症诊断与治疗 张福先 主编 2013年版
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