生理学实验指南及医学研究基础 作者:王跃春 出版时间:2018年版 内容简介 《生理学实验指南及医学研究基础》采用五章的篇幅统括了现代生理学实验教材的必要内容。*章阐述了生理学实验的要求、学习目的和意义;第二章精选了14个经典的动物实验;第三章选择了12个人体实验;第四、第五章简要介绍了医学科学研究的基础知识与实验设计的基本原理和原则,并提供了实验报告书写和研究论文发表的资料。这样的编排反映了作者在书中构思和内容选择上的精雕细琢,颇具匠心。在保留了生理学实验的精华内容的基础上,作者还在书中每个实验后面增加了相关问题,为学生提供拓展性学习和研究性学习的空间。此外,书中还介绍了与实验相关的“诺贝尔生理学或医学奖”的核心内容,集知识性、趣味可读性和科学实用性于一体。这有助于培养学生科学思维能力和人文精神,也是该书为突出的优点。 目录 序 Preface ChapterⅠ Introduction to Physiological Experiments Section 1 General course description of physiological experiments Section 2 Laboratory rules and requirements of physiological experiments Section 3 The development of physiolopcal experiment and basic types of physiological experiment Section 4 Preparation for common reagents used in physiological laboratory Section 5 Formats and requirements of physiological experimental reports Chapter11 Animal Experiments Section 1 Basic technique for amphibian animal experiments Section 2 Basic technique for mammal experiments Section 3 Basic technique for rodent animal experiments Section 4 BL -420 biological data acquisition and analysis system Section 5 Specific animal experiments Experiment 1 Sciatic-gastroc:nemius preparation Experiment 2 Threshold, supra-threshold and maximal stimulus Experiment 3 Single muscle twitch, frequency summation, and tetanization Experiment 4 Action potential of nerve trunk Experiment 5 Conduction velocity of compound AP of nerve trunk Experiment 6 The pacemaker of frog heart Experiment 7 Extrasystole and compensatory pause of the frog heart Experiment 8 Osmotic fragility of the red blood corpuscles Experiment 9 Regulation of respiration movement Experiment 10 Regulation of cardiovascular system Experiment 11 Physiological properties of smooth muscle of digestive tract Experiment 12 Factors affecting urinary formation Experiment 13 The reflex arc Experiment 14 Ataxia induced by cerebellar injury in mouse ChapterⅡ Human Experiments Section 1 Introduction to WebChart -400 system for human experiments Section 2 Specific human experiments Experiment 1 Recording of human respiratory movement Experiment 2 Detection of heart sounds Experiment 3 Measurement of blood pressure Experiment 4 Recording of an electrocardiogram Experiment 5 Determination of ABO blood types Experiment 6 Examination of visual acuity Experiment 7 Examination of visualfields Experiment 8 Examination of blind spot Experiment 9 Examination of color blindness Experiment 10 Conduction ways of sound Experiment 11 Induction of knee jerk reflex Experiment 12 Human auditory and visual responses ChapterⅢ Fundamentals of Medical Research Section 1 Scientific method and experimental medicine Section 2 Basic principles of experimental medicine Section 3 Guidelines to write and publish a research paper Chapter V ExperimentaI Design Section 1 Introduction to experimental design Section 2 Methods for designing a good physiological experiment Section 3 An example of physiological experimental design Section 4 An example of a full lab report Section 5 Suggested topics for physiological experimental design Appendix Appendix 1 Laboratory syllabus for physiological experiment(Applicable to clinical medicr Appendix 2 Laboratory syllabus for human physiological experiment(Applicable to phamacology Appendix 3 Grade table for examination in physiological experiments Appendix 4 An example of physiological experimental report Ac knowle ge ment 鸣谢