全国高等医药院校规划教材 人体寄生虫学 英文版 作者:何深一 主编 出版时间:2011年版内容简介 《全国高等医药院校规划教材:人体寄生虫学》为英文编写,包括总论、医学原虫、医学蠕虫、医学节肢动物、寄生虫病的诊断技术、实验指导和英汉对照词汇等内容。该教材在认真总结五年制、六年制、七年制、八年制和留学生英语教学经验的基础上编写而成,并依据高等医药院校五年制和长学制培养计划,结合国情重点阐述了我国常见的严重危害人体健康的寄生虫和重要病媒节肢动物,同时收录了世界上重要的寄生虫和我国少见的人体寄生虫,共计100余种。《全国高等医药院校规划教材:人体寄生虫学》系统地介绍了寄生虫病实验诊断技术。为配合全英文和双语教学的开展,全部内容用英语表达、描述,插图新颖、实用,并用英文标注。本教材适合于高等医药院校五年制、长学制临床、基础、预防、口腔、麻醉、影像、护理、药学、检验、法医等专业学生和留学生使用。也可用作医药卫生专业教师、临床医护人员、疾病控制中心人员和科研人员的参考书和专业英语学习的工具书。目录TEXTBOOKPart I Introduction to Human ParasitologyChapter 1 Basic Conceptions of Human ParasitologyChapter 2 Host-Parasite Interactions and Immune ResponsesChapter 3 Control of Parasitic Diseases and Current status in ChinaPart II Medical HelminthologyChapter 4 NematodaSection 1 Introduction to NematodaSection 2 Ascaris lumbricoidesSection 3 Trichuris trichiuraSection 4 Enterobius vermicularisSection 5 Hookworms (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus)Section 6 FilariaeWuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayiOnchocerca volvulusLoa loaSection 7 Strongyloides stercoralisSection 8 Trichinella spiralisSection 9 Other Human NematodesThelazia callipaedaTrichostrongylus orientalisGongylonema pulchrurnAngiostrongylus cantonensisGnathostoma spinigerumRhabditis axeiDracunculus medinensisAnisakisCapillaria hepaticaDioctoph yma renaleChapter 5 TrematodaSection 1 Introduction to TrematodesSection 2 The Liver FlukesClonorchis sinensisSection 3 Fasciolopsis buskiSection 4 Paragonimus spp.Paragonimus westermaniPagumogonimus skrjabiniSection 5 Blood flukesSchistosoma japonicumOther Schistosoma spp.Schistosome Cercarial Dermatitis ("Swimmer's Itch")Section 6 Other FlukesFasciola hepaticaEchinostomaHeteroph yid TrematodaChapter 6 CestodesSection 1 Introduction to TapewormsSection 2 Taenia soliumSection 3 Taenia saginataSection 4 Echinococcus granulosusSection 5 . Echinococcus multilocularisSection 6 Hymenolepis nanaSection 7 Hyrnenolepis diminutaSection 8 Diphyllobothrium latumSection 9 Other Human TapewormsDipylidium caninumPseudanoplocephala crawfordiSpirometra rnansoniRaillietina celebensisMesocestoides lineatusBertiella studeriTaenia asiaticaChapter 7 AcanthocephalaMacracanthorh ynchus hirudinaceusPart III Medical ProtozoologyChapter 8 Introduction to ProtozoaChapter 9 AmoebaeSection 1 Entamoeba histolyticaSection 2 Nonpathogenic Commensal, Intestinal AmoebaEntamoeba coliEntamoeba hartmanniIodamoeba butschliiEntamoeba gingivalisEntamoeba disparSection 3 Pathogenic free-living amoebaeNaegleria fowleriAcanthamoebaChapter 10 FlagellatesSection 1 Leishmania donovaniSection 2 TrypanosomesTrypanosoma brucei gambiense and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesienseTrypanosoma cruziSection 3 Giardia lambliaSection 4 Trichomonas vaginalisSection 5 Other trichomonadsTrichomonaS hominisTrichomonas tenaxDientamoeba fragilisChapter 11 SporozoaSection 1 PlasmodiumSection 2 Toxoplasma gondiiSection 3 CryptosporidiumSection'4 PneumocystisSection 5 Other SporozoaSarcocystisIsospora belliMicrosporidiaBlastocystis hominisChapter 12 CiliatesBalantidium coliPart IV Medical ArthropodologyChapter 13 IntroductionSection 1 Major Groups of Medical ArthropodsSection 2 Medical Arthropods and DiseasesSection 3 Ecology and Control of Medical ArthropodsChapter 14 InsectaSection 1 IntroductionSection 2 MosquitoesSection 3 FlySection 4 Sand FlySection 5 FleaSection 6 LouseSection 7 Other InsectsChapter 15 ArachnidaSection 1 IntroductionSection 2 Hard Tick and Soft TickSection 3 Tr0mbiculid Mite(Chigger)Section 4 Itch Mite (Scabies Mite)Section 5 Gamasid MiteSection 6 Demodicid MiteSection 7 Dust MiteSection 8 Other MitesPart V Experimental Diagnostic TechniquesChapter 16 Etiologic TestsSection 1 Examination of Fecal SpecimensSection 2 Examination of BloodSection 3 Examination of Excreta and SecretaSection 4 BiopsyChapter 17 Immunodiagnostic and Molecular Biological AnalysisSection 1 Immunodiagnostic TechniquesSection 2 Molecular Biological AnalysisLABORATORY MANUALRegulations for Parasitological ExperimentsThe Use of MicroscopeMedical HelminthologyNematodaLab. 1 Ascaris lumbricoidesLab. 2 HookwormsAncylostoma duodenale and Necator americanusLab. 3 Enterobius vermicularisLab. 4 Trichuris trichiuraLab. 5 Wuchereria Bancro fti and Brugia mala yiLab. 6 Trichinella spiralis (Trichina Worm)TrematodaLab. 7 Clonorchis sinensisLab. 8 Fasciolopsis buskiLab. 9 Paragonimus westermaniLab. 10 Schistosorna japonicumCestoidea (Cestoda)Lab. 11 Taenia solium and Taenia saginataLab. 12 Hymenolepis nanaLab. 13 Echinococcus granulosus (The hydatid tapeworm)Medical ProtozoologyLab. 14 Entamoeba histolyticaLab. 15 Leishmania donovaniLab. 16 Trichomonas vaginalisT. hominisT. buecalis(including other trichomonads)Lab. 17 Giardia larnbliaLab. 18 PlasrnodiumLab. 19 ToxoplasrnaLab. 20 Balantidiurn coliMedical ArthropodologyLab. 21 MosquitoesLab. 22 FliesLab. 23 LiceLab. 24 FleasLab. 25 Phlebotomus (Sand Flies)Lab. 26 Cimex (Bed Bugs)Lab. 27 TicksLab. 28 Sarcoptes scabieiVocabulary of Parasitology 上一篇: 人体寄生虫学 第四版 吴观陵 主编 2013年版 下一篇: 人体寄生虫学 陈艳 主编 2013年版