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中国心 英文版 江妙津 著 2009年版  下载

360book.com  2022-06-06 00:00:00  下载

中国心 英文版
作者:江妙津 著
《*国心(英文版)》是江妙津编著的。depressed?want t* *0se weight?sufferfrom insomnia?annoyed by frequent ailments?desire improved sexual ability?you can find helpful solutions to theseproblems in the chinese heart:cbinese medicine and stress management,a beautifuhy illustratedbook that introduces the wisdom oftraditionalchinese medicine(tcm).the author presentstcm theory in the most reader-friendly way“to give maximum access to any readeg assum-ing no previous knowledge of chinese what-ever.”chinese ideograms and their interestingetymology are illustrated in the book.believingwith"l-horeau that“anything living is easily andnaturally expressed in popular language,”theauthor communicates scholarship with crispnarrative and sometimes playful spirit.
The Editor’s Comments
Part One Basic Knowledge of Traditional Chinese MediCiRe
Chapter1 The Harmonious Landscape
Chapter2 Yin and Yang
Chapter3 The Three T.reasures
Chapter4 Blood and Body Fluids
Part Two The Chinese Heart
Chapter 5 The Root of Life
Chapter6 The Sun
Chapter7 The Emperor
Part Three East Meets West
Chapter8 The Human Brain
Chapter9 The Energy Field
Chapter10 Holistic Medicine and Mount Sinai
Part Four Practical Methods of Stress Management
Chapter11 S**e***g Gong
Chapter12 Rej uvenating Gong
Chapter13 Dragon D ance Gong
Chapter14 Tai Chi Chuan and Meditation
Traditional and Simplified Chinese Characters

上一篇: 国际经典儿科丛书 伯曼儿科决策 第5版 (美)巴扎吉原著 2015年版
下一篇: 中国传统医药文化 杨洁,邓子鲲 编著 2015年版
