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微型太阳能热电联供系统性能研究 陈红兵等著 2017年版  下载

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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Description of the novel PV/T heat pump system
1.3 Work involved in the study

Chapter 2 Review of PV/T technology
2.1 Commercial PV materials
2.2 PV/T Collectors
2.2.1 Air-type PV/T collectors
2.2.2 Water-type PV/T collectors
2.2.3 Dual-type PV/T collectors
2.3.1 Air-type BIPVT
2.3.2 Water-type BIPVT
2.4 Concentrating PV/T collectors
2.5 PV/T heat pump system
2.6 Summary

Chapter 3 Numerical simulation on energy performance of GVT
and FP PV/T heat pump systems
3.1 PV/T panel configurations
3.2 Numerical models for GVT PV/T heat pump system
3.2.1 Glass vacuum tube (external)
3.2.2 Glass vacuum tube (internal)
3.2.3 PV module
3.2.4 Aluminium sheet
3.2.5 Copper tube
3.2.6 Refrigerant
3.2.7 Compressor
3.2.8 Expansion valve
3.2.9 Water-cooled condenser
3.3 Numerical models for FP PV/T heat pump system
3.3.1 Glass cover
3.3.2 PV module
3.3.3 Aluminium sheet
3.3.4 Copper tube
3.3.5 Refrigerant
3.4 Performance comparison between GVT and FP PV/T heat pump
3.4.1 Variation of thermal efficiency with solar radiation
3.4.2 Variation of'electrical efficiency with solar radiation
3.4.3 Variation of power output with solar radiation
3.4.4 Variation of COP with solar radiation
3.4.5 Variation of condenser capacity with solar radiation
3.5 Performance comparison of GVT PV/T heat pump system in
different cities
3.5.1 Climatic data
3.5.2 Results and analysis
3.6 Summary

Chapter 4 Experimental study on GVT PV/T heat pump system
4.1 Test on the performance of PV modules without cooling
4.1.1 Test rig
4.1.2 Test results
4.2 Test on the performance ofGVT PV/T heat pump system
4.2.1 Test rig
4.2.2 Measuring equipment
4.2.3 Performance assessment and experiment implementation"
4.2.4 Test results
4.2.5 Comparison between the test and simulation results
4.3 Summary

Chapter 5 Experimental study on FP PV/T heat pump system
using PV tiles
5.1 Experimental rig
5.2 Results and discussions
5.3 Summary

Chapter 6 Operation strategy and economic analysis of PV/T heat
pump system
6.1 Operation strategy
6.1.1 PV electricity management
6.1.2 Heat energy management
6.2 Economic analysis
6.2.1 Basic information and assumptions
6.2.2 Energy and running cost savings calculation
6.2.3 Investment and pay-back time calculation
6.3 Environmental analysis
6.4 Summary

Chapter 7 Conclusions and further work
7.1 Conclusions
7.1.1 Numerical simulation on energy performance of the GVT
and FP PV/T heat pump systems
7.1.2 Experimental study on the GVT PV/T heat pump system
7.1.3 Experimental study on the FP PV/T heat pump system
7.1.4 Operation strategy and economic analysis of the GVT PV/T
heat pump system
7.2 Further work

上一篇: 实用电池手册 第3部分 二次电池 25 常温锂电池
下一篇: 新型太阳电池 材料 器件 应用 靳瑞敏 等编著 2019年版
