光学材料的表征(英文) 作者:(美)布伦德尔,(美)埃文斯,(美)伊莎霍斯 主编 出版时间:2014年 内容简介 Characterization in Optica/ Materia/s provides information for understanding the properties and performance of optical materials under the influence of the various characterization techniques. Surface and interfacial properties are key to the optical response of a material, and their control and modification during materials processing is necessary to achieve desired behavior. Characterization of Optica/ Materia/s focuses on how surface morphology, microstructure, and chemical bonding influence the optical response of a material, and it illuminates methods used to characterize thin films, multilayer structures, and modified surfaces, 目录 Preface to Series Preface to the Reissue of Characterization of Optical Materials Preface Contributors INTRODUCTION PART 1 INFLUENCE OF SURFACEMORPHOLOGYAND MICROSTRUCTURE ON OPTICAL RESPONSE CHARACTERIZATION OF SURFACE ROUGHNESS 1.1 Introduction 1.2 WhatSurfaceRoughnessls 1.3 HowSurfaceRoughness AffctsOpticaIMeasurements 1.4 How Surface Roughness and ScatteringAre Measured 1.5 Characterization ofSelected Surfaces 1.6 Future Difections CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NEAR-SURFACE REGION USING POIARIZATION-SENSITIVE OPTICAL TECHNIQUES 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Ellipsometry ExperimentallmplementationsofEllipsometry 29, Analysisof EllipsometryData 2.3 MicrostructuralDeterminationsfromEllipsometryData Temperature Dependence ofthe Opticat Properties ofSilicon 34, Determination ofthe Optical Functions ofGlasses Using SE 35, SpectroscopicEllipsometryStudiesofSi02/Si 37, Spectroscopic EllipsometryforComplicatedFilmStrucrures 38, Time-Resolved Ellipsometry 40, Single-WavelengthReal-TimeMonitoringofFilm Growth 41, Multiple-WavelengthReal-TimeMonitoringofFilm Growth 42, Infrared EllipsometryStudies ofFilm Growth THE COMPOSITION, STOICHIOMETRY, AND RELATED MICROSTRUCTURE OF OPTICAL MATERIALS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 AspectsofRamanScattering 3.3 III-VSemiconductor Systems 3.4 GroupIVMaterials 3.5 Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors ChalcogenideGlasses 60, GroupIVMicrocrystallineSemiconductors 3.6 Summary DIAMOND AS AN OPTICAL MATERIAL 4.1 Introduction 4.2 DepositionMethods 4.3 0pticalPropertiesofCVD Diamond 4.4 Defectsin CVD Diamond 4.5 PolishingCVD Diamond 4.6 X-rayWindow 4.7 Summary PART 2 STABILITY AND MODIFICATION OF FILM AND SURFACE OPTICAL PROPERTIES MULTIJAYER OPTICAL COATINGS 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Single-LayerOpticalCoatings OpticaIConstants 90, CompositionMeasurementTechniques 5.3 MultilayerOpticalCoatings CompositionaIAnalysis 107, SurfaceAnalyticaITechniques 108, MicrostructuralAnalysis ofMultilayer Optical Coatings 5.4 StabilityofMultilayerOpticalCoatings 5.5 Future Compositional and MicrostructuralAnalyticaITechniques CHARACTERIZATION AND CONTROL OF STRESS IN OPTICAL FILMS 6.1 Introduction 6.2 0rigins ofStress ……
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