材料表征原版系列丛书 有机薄膜的表征 英文版 作者:(美)布伦德尔,(美)埃文斯,(美)乌尔曼 主编 出版时间: 2014年版 内容简介 Analytical tools for the study of organic thin films have seen dramatic developments in the last decade. Using such tools it has become possible to obtain structural information at the molecular level and thus to relate materials structure to materials properties. Characterization of Organic Thin Films will help materials scientists, physicists, chemists, and biologists develop a fundamental understanding of structure-properties relationships which in turn makes possible molecular engineering of advanced materials and opens new opportunities in molecular manufacturing. This volume begins with introductory chapters on Langmuir-Blodgett and self-assembled films, and continues with the discussion of their properties as studied by different analytical techniques. Both their surface/interfacial and bulk properties are covered. 目录 Preface to Series Preface to the Reissue of Characterization of Organic Thin Films Preface Contributors PART 1 PREPARtITION AND MATERIALS LANGMUIR-BLODGETT FILMS 1.1 Introduction 1.2 L-B Films ofLong-Chain Compounds FattyAcids 6, Amines 8, OtherLong-ChainCompounds 1.3 CyclicCompoundsandChromophores 1.4 PolymersandProteins 1.5 PolymerizationInSitu 1.6 Alternation Films (Superlattices) 1.7 PotentiaIApplications SELF-ASSEMBLED MONOIAYERS 2.1 Introduction 2.2 MonolayersofFattyAcids 2.3 MonolayersofOrganosiliconDerivatives 2.4 Monolayers ofAlkanethiolates on Metal and Semiconductor Surfaces 2.5 Self-Assembled Monolayers ContainingAromatic Groups 2.6 Conclusions PART 2 ANALYSIS OF FILM AND SURFACE PROPERTIES SPECTROSCOPIC ELLIPSOMETRY 3.1 Introduction and Overview 3.2 TheoryofEllipsometry 3.3 Instrumentation 3.4 DeterminationofOpticalProperties Analysis of Single Ellipsometric Spectra: Direct Inversion Methods Analysis ofSingle Ellipsometric Spectra: Least- Squares RegressionAnalysis Method Analysis ofMultiple EllipsometricSpectra 3.5 Determination ofThin Film Structure Thickness DeterminationforMonolayers Microstructural Evolution in Thick Film Growth 3.6 Future Prospects INFRARED SPECTROSCOPYIN THE CHARACTERIZATION OF ORGANIC THIN FILMS 4.1 Introduction Specific Needs for Characterizing Organic Thin Films General Prinaples and Capabilities oflnfrared Spectroscopy for Surface and Thin Film Analysis 4.2 QuantitativeAspects Spectroscopic Intensities Electromagnetic Fields in Thin Film Structures 4.3 TheInfraredSpectroscopicExperiment Generallnstrumentation 71, ExperimentaIModes AdditionaIAspects 4.4 ExamplesofApplications Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold by External Reflection 81, Octadecylsiloxane Monolayers on Si02 byTransmission 82, Langmuir-Bfodgett Films on Nonmetallic Substrates by External Reflection RAMAN SPECTROSCOPIC CHARACTERIZATION OF ORGANIC THIN FILMS 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Fundamentals ofRaman Spectroscopy ……
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