Springer手册精选原版系列 材料手册 7 土壤 肥料 水泥 混凝土 石材 结构材料 林木 燃料 推进剂 炸药 复合材料 英文版 作者:FrancoisCardarelli 著 出版时间:2014年版丛编项: Springer手册精选原版系列内容简介 《材料手册7:土壤、肥料、水泥、混凝土、石材、结构材料、林木、燃料、推进剂、炸药、复合材料(英文版)》完整系统地介绍了国产有色金属材料的基本知识、品种、技术要求、产品包装的一般规定。与第一版相比,第二版增加了280个有色金属产品标准,增编了稀有高熔点金属、稀有轻金属、稀土金属、稀有分散金属、贵金属、粉末冶金材料、半导体材料、半金属以及国内首次颁发的农用稀土产品。《材料手册7:土壤、肥料、水泥、混凝土、石材、结构材料、林木、燃料、推进剂、炸药、复合材料(英文版)》可供从事金属材料经营、管理、供销工作人员使用,亦可满足工程技术人员设计选材的需要。目录14Soils and Fertilizers 14.1 Introduction 14.2 History 14.3 Pedogenesis 14.3.1 Weathering and Alteration ofMinerals and Clays Formation 14.3.2Incorporation of Organic Matter 14.3.3 Mass Transfer between Horizons Descending Processes Ascending Processes 14.4 SoilMorphology 14.4.1Maj orHorizons 14.4.2 Transitional Horizons 14.4.3Subdivisions of Master Horizons 14.5 SoilProperties 14.5.1Horizon Boundaries 14.5.2 Coloration of Soils 14.5.2 Soil Texture 14.5.4Soil Structure 14.5.5 Consistency 14.5.6Roots 14.5.7Acidity (pH) and Effervescence 14.6 SoilTaxonomy 14.6.1USDA Classification of Soils 14.6.2FAO Classification of Soils 14.6.3French Classification of Soils 14.6.4 ASTM Civil Engineering Classification of Soils 14.7Soil Identification 14.8 ISO and ASTM Standards 14.9 PhysicalProperties ofCommon Soils 14.10 Fertilizers 14.10.1Nitrogen Fertilizers 14.10.2 Phosphorus Fertilizers 14.10.3 Potassium Fertilizers 14.10.4 Role ofMicronutrients in Soils 14.11 FurtherReading 15Cements, Concrete, Building Stones and Construction Materials 15.1 Introduction 15.1.1 Nonhydraulic Cements 15.2 Portland Cement 15.2.1History 15.2.2 Raw Materials for Portland Cement 15.2.3Processing of Portland Cement 15.2.4Portland Cement Chemistry 15.2.5 Portland Cement Nomenclature 15.3 Aggregates 15.3.1 Coarse Aggregates 15.3.2Fine Aggregates 15.4 Mineral Admixtures 15.5 Mortars and Concrete 15.5.1Definitionsg 15.5.2 Degradation Processes 15.6 Ceramics for Construction 15.7 Building Stones 15.7.1 Limestones and Dolomites 15.7.2 Sandstones 15.7.3Basalt 15.7.4 Granite 15.8 Further Reading 16 Timbers and Woods 16.1General Description 16.2 Properties ofWoods 16.2.1 Moisture Content 16.2.2 Speafic Gravity and Density 16.2.3 Drying and Shrinkage 16.2.4 Mechanical Properties 16.2.5Thermal Properties 16.2.6 Electrical Properties 16.2.7 Heating Values and Flammability 16.2.8 Durability and Decay Resistance 16.3Properties of Hardwoods and Softwoods 16.4Applications 16.5 Wood Performance in Various Corrosives 16.6 Further Reading 17Fuels,PropeUants and Explosivesggg 17.1 Introduction and Classification 17.2 Combustion Characteristics 17.2.1Enthalpy of Combustion Combustion Ratios (Net) and High (Gross) Heating Values AirExcess Dulong's Equations and Other Practical Equations Flame Temperature Index for Gaseous Fuels 17.3Solid Fuels: Coals and Cokes 17.4 Liquid Fuels 17.5Gaseous Fuels 17.6 Prices ofCommon Fuels 17.7 Propellants 17.7.1Liquid Propellants Petroleum—based Propellants CryogenicPropellants Hypergolic Propellants 17.7.2SolidPropellants 17.8 Explosives 17.9 FurtherReading 17.9.1Fuels and Combustion 17.9.2 Propellants and Explosives 18 CompositeMaterials 18.1Definitions 18.2 PropertiesofComposites 18.2.1Density 18.2.2 Tensile Strength and Elastic Moduli 18.2.3 Specific Heat Capacity 18.2.4 The rmalCo nd uctivity 18.2.5 Thermal Expansion Coefficient 18.3 Fabrication Processes for Monofilaments 18.4 Reinforcement Materials 18.4.1 GlassFibers 18.4.2BoronFibers 18.4.3Carbo nFibers 18.4.4 Polyethylene Fibers 18.4.5PolyaramideFib e rs 18.4.6Ceramic Oxide Fibers 18.4.7 Silicon Carbide Fibers 18.5 Polymer Matrix Composites (PMCs) 18.6 MetalMatrix Composites (MMCs) 18.7 Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) 18.8 Carbon—Carbon Composites (CCs) 18.9 FurtherReading.1035 Index 上一篇: 材料手册 6 矿物、矿石、宝石、岩石、陨石 英文版 FrancoisCardarelli 著 2014年版 下一篇: 材料手册 5 陶瓷、耐火材料、玻璃、聚合物、弹性体 英文版 FrancoisCardarelli 著 2014年版