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美国数学会经典影印系列 度量几何学教程 英文版  下载

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美国数学会经典影印系列 度量几何学教程 英文版
作者:(俄)德米特里 布拉戈 (俄)尤里 布拉戈,(俄)谢尔盖 伊万诺夫 著
丛编项: 美国数学会经典影印系列
Chapter 1. Metric Spaces
1.1. Definitions
1.2. Examples
1.3. Metrics and Topology
1.4. Lipschitz Maps
1.5. Complete Spaces
1.6. Compact Spaces
1.7. Hausdorff Measure and Dimension

Chapter 2. Length Spaces
2.1. Length Structures
2.2. First Examples of Length Structures
2.3. Length Structures Induced by Metrics
2.4. Characterization of Intrinsic Metrics
2.5. Shortest Paths
2.6. Length and Hausdorff Measure
2.7. Length and Lipschitz Speed

Chapter 3. Constructions
3.1. Locality, Gluing and Maximal Metrics
3.2. Polyhedral Spaces
3.3. Isometries and Quotients
3.4. Local Isometries and Coverings
3.5. Arcwise Isometries
3.6. Products and Cones

Chapter 4. Spaces of Bounded Curvature
4.1. Definitions
4.2. Examples
4.3. Angles in Alexandrov Spaces and Equivalence of Definitions
4.4. Analysis of Distance Functions
4.5. The First Variation Formula
4.6. Nonzero Curvature Bounds and Globalization
4.7. Curvature of Cones

Chapter 5. Smooth Length Structures
5.1. Riemannian Length Structures
5.2. Exponential Map
5.3. Hyperbolic Plane
5.4. Sub-Riemannian Metric Structures
5.5. Riemannian and Finsler Volumes
5.6. Besikovitch Inequality

Chapter 6. Curvature of Riemannian Metrics
6.1. Motivation: Coordinate Computations
6.2. Covariant Derivative
6.3. Geodesic and Gaussian Curvatures
6.4. Geometric Meaning of Gaussian Curvature
6.5. Comparison Theorems

Chapter 7. Space of Metric Spaces
7.1. Examples
7.2. Lipschitz Distance
7.3. Gromov-Hausdorff Distance
7.4. Gromov-Hausdorff Convergence
7.5. Convergence of Length Spaces

Chapter 8. Large-scale Geometry
8.1. Noncompact Gromov-Hausdorff Limits
8.2. Tangent and Asymptotic Cones
8.3. Quasi-isometries
8.4. Gromov Hyperbolic Spaces
8.5. Periodic Metrics

Chapter 9. Spaces of Curvature Bounded Above
9.1. Definitions and Local Properties
9.2. Hadamard Spaces
9.3. Fundamental Group of a Nonpositively Curved Space
9.4. Example: Semi-dispersing Billiards

Chapter 10. Spaces of Curvature Bounded Below
10.1. One More Definition
10.2. Constructions and Examples
10.3. Toponogov's Theorem
10.4. Curvature and Diameter
10.5. Splitting Theorem
10.6. Dimension and Volume
10.7. Gromov-Hausdorff Limits
10.8. Local Properties
10.9. Spaces of Directions and Tangent Cones
10.10. Further Information

上一篇: 逻辑与形而上学教科书系列 递归论 算法与随机性基础
下一篇: 概率论与数理统计 [冯子嘉 主编]
