图论导论(第5版 英文版) 出版时间:2015年版 内容简介 《图论导论(第5版)》是一本非常优秀的图论入门书,自从1972年出版第一版以来,深受广大读者的欢迎,不断再版,1996年已经出版了第四版。本书用浅显易懂的语言,大量的实例和练习介绍了图论的基本知识以及横贯和拟阵等一些比较艰深的组合数学知识,读来通俗易懂,引人入胜。书中包含了大量的图论应用实例,不管是对于数学专业的师生还是对于工程专业的科技工作者都有很大的吸引力。目次:引言;概念和离子;路和圈;树;平面性;图的着色;有向图;匹配,婚姻定理和Menger定理;拟阵。 目录 Preface to the fifth edition Introduction 1 Definitions and examples 1.1Definitions 1.2Examples 1.3Variations on a theme 1.4Threepuzzles 2 Paths and cycles 2.1Connectivity 2.2Eulerian graphs and digraphs 2.3Hamiltonian graphs and digraphs 2.4Applications 3 Trees 3.1Properties of trees 3.2Countingtrees 3.3Moreapplications 4 Ptanarity 4.1Planargraphs 4.2Euler's formula 4.3Dualgraphs 4.4Graphs on other surfaces 5 Colouringgraphs 5.1Colouringvertices 5.2Chromaticpolynomiats 5.3Colouringmaps 5.4The four—colour theorem 5.5Colouring edges 6 Matching, marriage and Menger's theorem 6.1Hall's 'marriage' theorem 6.2Menger's theorem 6.3Network flows 7 Matroids 7.1Introduction to matroids 7.2Examples of matroids 7.3Matroids and graphs Appendix 1: ALgorithms Appendix 2: Table of numbers List of symbols Bibliography Solutions to selected exercises Index