华罗庚文集:代数卷II 出版时间:2011年版 内容简介 本书汇集了华罗庚先生1930—1952年关于代数和矩阵几何的代表性论文22篇,以及万哲先关于华罗庚在代数和几何领域成就的一篇介绍文章。华罗庚的论文内容深刻,技巧性很强,要求的预备知识并不多.本书适合数学专业的研究生和研究人员阅读,大学数学系的高年级学生也能读懂其中大部分内容。 目录 《华罗庚文集》序言 Algebra and geometry. 苏家驹之代数的五次方程式解法不能成立之理由 Geometries of matrices. I. Generalizations of von Staudt'stheorem Geometries of matrices. II. Arithmetical construction Orthogonal classification of Hermitian matrices Geometries of matrices. II. Study of involutions in the geometry ofsymmetric matrices Geometries of matrices. III. Fundamental theorems in the geometriesof symmetric matrices Some /Anzahl/ theorems for groups of prime power orders On the automorphisms of the symplectic group over any field On the existence of solutions of certatin equations in a finitefield Characters over certain types of rings with applications to thetheory of equations in a finite field On the automorphisms of a sfield On the number of solutions of some trinomial equations in a finitefield On the nature of the solutions of certain equations in, a finitefield Some properties of a sfield On the generators of the symplectic modular group Geometry of symmetric matrices over any field with characteristicother than two On the multiplicative group of a field 环之准同构及对射影几何的一应用 A theorem on matrices over a sfield and its applications Supplement to the paper of Dieudonn on the automorphisms ofclassical groups Automorphisms of the unimodular group Automorphisms of the projective unimodular group 《华罗庚文集》已出版书目