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代数配边理论(英文版)  下载

360book.com  2018-04-28 21:20:30  下载

1 cobordism and oriented cohomology
1.1 oriented cohomology theories
1.2 algebraic cobordism
1.3 relations with complex cobordism
2 the definition of algebraic cobordism
2.1 oriented borel-moore functors
2.2 oriented functors of geometric type
2.3 some elementary properties
2.4 the construction of algebraic cobordism
2.5 some computations in algebraic cobordism
3 fundamental properties of algebraic cobordism
3.1 divisor classes
3.2 localization
3.3 transversality
3.4 homotopy invariance
3.5 the projective bundle formula
3.6 the extended homotopy property
4 algebraic cobordism and the lazard ring
4.1 weak homology and chern classes
4.2 algebraic cobordism and k-theory
4.3 the cobordism ring of a point
4.4 degree formulas
4.5 comparison with the chow groups
5 oriented borel-moore homology
5.1 oriented borel-moore homology theories
5.2 other oriented theories

上一篇: 尘封的经典:初等数学经典文献选读(第二卷 英文版)
下一篇: 跟我学线性代数:导学与习题精解
