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自守形式与L-函数简明六章(英文版)  下载

360book.com  2018-03-09 11:53:21  下载

作 者: Ze-Li Dou//Qiao Zhang 著
Chapter 1 Modular forms and the Shimura-TaniyamaConjecture
 1.1 Elliptic functio
 1.2 Modular forms
 1.3 Examples
 1.4 Hecke operato and eigenforms
 1.5 L-functio
 1.6 Modular forms of higher level
 1.7 Elliptic curves
 1.8 Conjectures, and the theorem of Wiles, et al
Chapter 2 Periods of automorphic forms
 2.1 Automorphic forms
 2.2 Periods arising from Dirichlet series
 2.3 Periods arising from elliptic curves
 2.4 Periods arising from cohomology theory
 2.5 Recapitulation
 2.6 Hilbert modular forms
 2.7 Autornorphic forms with respect to a quaternionalgebra
 2.8 Adelic automorphic forms
 2.9 Hecke operato
 2.10 The standard L-function for Hilbert modular forms andthe V periods
 2.11 The inner product and the Q periods
 2.12 The Eichler-Shimura Isomorphism and the P periods
Chapter 3 Lifting of automorphic forms
 3.1 Dirichlet series
 3.2 Hecke characte with respect to a real quadraticnumbereld
 3.3 L-series and the base change lift for characte
 3.4 Hilbert modular forms over a real quadratic field andtheDoi-Naganuma lift
 3.5 Applicatio of base change
 3.6 Shimura's period conjectures
 3.7 Yoshida's work
Chapter 4 Zeros of L-functio
 4.1 Trivial zeros
 4.2 The Grand Riemann Hypothesis
 4.3 Zero-free regio
 4.4 Siegel zeros
 4.5 Correlatio of zeros
 4.6 Random matrix theory
Chapter 5 Special values of L-functio
 5.1 The Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
 5.2 The Gross-Zagier formula
 5.3 The class number problem
 5.4 The LindelSf conjecture and subconvexity bounds
 5.5 Discrete moment conjecture of L-functio
 5.6 Integral moment conjectures of L-functio
Chapter 6 Theta lifts and periods with respect to aquadraticexteion
 6.1 Setting
 6.2 Automorphic forms with respect to Be
 6.3 Theta function
 6.4 Traformation formulas
 6.5 Theta correspondence
 6.6 Reduction of the integral
 6.7 Two technical lemmata
 6.8 Main theorems on theta correspondence
 6.9 Adelic forms on G'A
 6.10 Embeddings and inner product
 6.11 Theta correspondence of adelic forms
 6.12 Hecke Operato on GL2(F)
 6.13 The action of Hecke operato on I(z; C; r; h)
 6.14 Hecke operato on adelic forms
 6.15 Relation between actio of Hecke operato
 6.16 Further Reading

上一篇: 线性代数 第二版 [唐晓文,王昆仑,陈翠 编著] 2012年版
下一篇: 线性代数提高
