应用数值线性代数(英文影印版) 作者:(美)戴梅尔 著 出版时间:2011年版 内容简介 Designed for use by first-year graduate students from a variety of engineering and scientific disciplines, 《Applied Numerical Linear Algebra》comprehensive textbook covers the solution of linear systems, least squares problems, eigenvalue problems,and the singular value decomposition. The author James Demmel, who helped design the widely used LAPACK and ScaLAPACK linear algebra libraries, draws on this experience to present state-of-the-art techniques for these problems, 《Applied Numerical Linear Algebra》including recommendations of which algorithms to use in a variety of practical situations. 目录 《应用数值线性代数(英文影印版)》 preface 1 introduction 1.1 basic notation 1.2 standard problems of numerical linear algebra 1.3 general techniques 1.3.1 matrix factorizations 1.3.2 perturbation theory and condition numbers 1.3.3 effects of roundoff error on algorithms 1.3.4 analyzing the speed of algorithms 1.3.5 engineering numerical software 1.4 example: polynomial evaluation 1.5 floating point arithmetic 1.5.1 further details 1.6 polynomial evaluation revisited 1.7 vector and matrix norms 1.8 references and other topics for chapter 1 1.9 questions for chapter 1 2 linear equation solving 2.1 introduction